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[英]Regular Expression String Does Not Contain Numbers

I'm trying to match a pattern in a url that does not include a number. 我正在尝试匹配不包含数字的网址中的模式。

For example: 例如:


I would only want to match urls that are the following: 我只想匹配以下网址:


If the url includes /painters/1-something then there should be no match. 如果网址包含/painters/1-something则应该没有匹配。

I've been trying the following with no luck: 我一直在尝试以下运气,没有运气:


This still matches on /painters/ or /contractors/ 这仍然匹配/painters//contractors/

Please advise. 请指教。

You can try this regex. 你可以试试这个正则表达式。 It uses a negative lookahead to disallow a match if a number comes after your second forward slash. 如果在第二个正斜杠之后出现一个数字,它会使用负前瞻来禁止匹配。


Note that if you don't want number anywhere in the string you can use a negative lookahead right at the beginning. 请注意,如果您不想在字符串中的任何位置使用数字,则可以在开头使用负向前瞻。


This construct will disallow any string containing numbers. 此构造将禁止包含数字的任何字符串。

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