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[英]Display hierarchical xml data in web page

<Pathways species="homo sapiens">
<Pathway dbId="109581" displayName="Apoptosis">
 <Pathway dbId="109607" displayName="Extrinsic Pathway for Apoptosis">
  <Pathway dbId="73887" displayName="Death Receptor  Signalling">
    <Pathway dbId="75157" displayName="FasL/ CD95L signaling">
      <Reaction dbId="75244" displayName="FASL binds FAS Receptor" />
      <Reaction dbId="71050" displayName="Trimerization of the FASL:FAS receptor complex" />
      <Reaction dbId="83650" displayName="FasL:Fas binds FADD" />
      <Reaction dbId="83586" displayName="FASL:FAS Receptor Trimer:FADD complex binds pro-Caspase-8" />
      <Reaction dbId="141310" displayName="FASL:FAS Receptor Trimer:FADD complex binds pro-Caspase-10" />
<Pathway dbId="109581" displayName="Signaling pathway">

Anyone who know how to display them in the website just like a tree: something like below: 任何人都知道如何像在树上一样在网站上显示它们:

--Extrinsic Pathway for Apoptosis
---Death Receptor  Signalling
----FasL/ CD95L signaling
-----Trimerizaiton of the FASL....
.  .
.  .
.  .
-Signaling pathway

I don't know how deep for the tree, but not too much. 我不知道这棵树有多深,但不过分。 thanks. 谢谢。

Look up PHP's function xml_parse_into_struct , you use it to split a file like this into an array containing appropriate keys. 查找PHP的函数xml_parse_into_struct ,使用它将这样的文件拆分为包含适当键的数组。 The manual's got all the information and examples you'll need. 该手册包含了您需要的所有信息和示例。

Alternatively, here's an article explaining how to use SimpleXML . 另外, 这是一篇介绍如何使用SimpleXML的文章 Pretty easy to use too. 也很容易使用。

You can make use of PHP's SimpleXMLIterator which does support the standard PHP RecursiveIterator tree-traversal. 您可以使用PHP的SimpleXMLIterator ,它确实支持标准的PHP RecursiveIterator树遍历。

The following example does output this text-tree for example that comes pretty close to the kind of output you've outlined in your question: 下面的示例确实输出了该文本树,例如,它非常接近您在问题中概述的输出类型:

|-Pathway: Apoptosis
| \-Pathway: Extrinsic Pathway for Apoptosis
|   \-Pathway: Death Receptor  Signalling
|     \-Pathway: FasL/ CD95L signaling
|       |-Reaction: FASL binds FAS Receptor
|       |-Reaction: Trimerization of the FASL:FAS receptor complex
|       |-Reaction: FasL:Fas binds FADD
|       |-Reaction: FASL:FAS Receptor Trimer:FADD complex binds pro-Caspase-8
|       \-Reaction: FASL:FAS Receptor Trimer:FADD complex binds pro-Caspase-10
\-Pathway: Signaling pathway

Here is an excerpt from the code: 以下是代码摘录:

 * Iterator Garden Example
 * Display hierarchical xml data in web page
 * @link http://stackoverflow.com/q/19485654/367456

require __DIR__ . '/iterator_garden.php';

$file = __DIR__ . '/data.xml';
$xml  = file_get_contents($file);

$it  = new SimpleXMLIterator($xml);

$decor = new RecursiveDecoratingIterator($it, function($item) {
    return $item['displayName'] ?: $item['species'];
}, RecursiveDecoratingIterator::DECORATE_NODES);

$tree = new RecursiveTreeIterator($decor, RecursiveTreeIterator::BYPASS_CURRENT);

foreach($tree as $key => $item)
    echo $key, ': ', $item, "\n";

The code from Iterator Garden is available on Github , here the RecursiveDecoratingIterator is used. Github上提供了Iterator Garden的代码,此处使用了RecursiveDecoratingIterator

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