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[英]Determine deployed web application version

I am developing web application on Java platform using JSF, Maven build, SVN. 我正在使用JSF,Maven build,SVN在Java平台上开发Web应用程序。

I have already included the application version number, revision, date extra on the jar/war manifest using maven plugin. 我已经使用maven插件在jar / war清单中包括了应用程序的版本号,修订版和其他日期。

How can I find the version number of the deployed application from the browser using page view source (if I want hide this from the end user) ? 如何使用页面视图源从浏览器中找到已部署应用程序的版本号(如果我想向最终用户隐藏此版本号)?

stackoverflow.com display the version details at the footer eg rev 2013.10.20.1076. stackoverflow.com在页脚处显示版本详细信息,例如rev 2013.10.20.1076。

Another possible alternative is as follows: 另一种可能的替代方法如下:

Use versions:set -DnewVersion={{YOUR_VERSION_NUMBER}} to set the version. 使用versions:set -DnewVersion={{YOUR_VERSION_NUMBER}}设置版本。

Then in the maven-war-plugin: 然后在maven-war-plugin中:


Finally, you can use jcabi-manifests to do further processing. 最后,您可以使用jcabi-manifests进行进一步处理。

You can use this maven plugin : 您可以使用以下Maven插件:

            <!-- Impossible de filtrer les ressources web de l'application avec le plugin v2.0.2 Nécessaire pour 'versioner' les .css, .js Maven 2.x WAR Plugin MWAR-134 -->
                <!-- Maven 2.x WAR Plugin MWAR-187 regression running war packaging with maven 2.1 Stephane Nicoll added a comment - 07/Jul/09 3:28 AM One way to quickly work around this issue is to deactivate the cache. -->
                        <!-- Filtering activates replacement of ${pom.version} in *.xhtml... -->
                        <!-- I've chosen to exlude manually these resources from the filtering -->

Then you can insert this in the base xhtml template for your application (well... in something that ends up in all your pages if you want it on all pages) : 然后,您可以将其插入到应用程序的基本xhtml模板中(好吧,如果希望在所有页面上都可以在所有页面中找到):

<span style="display:hidden">${pom.version}"</span>

Note : this will work on a maven-built war. 注意:这将在行家建立的战争中起作用。 If you don't use maven while testing your webapp with Eclipse for instance, you'll still have ${pom.version} not replaced. 例如,如果在使用Eclipse测试${pom.version}应用程序时不使用maven,则仍然会替换${pom.version}

You can create some text static file with content: 您可以创建一些包含内容的文本静态文件:

version: ${pom.version}
build time: ${build.time}
svn revision: ${svn.revision}
svn path: ${svn.path}
committed date: ${svn.committedDate}

and put it to src\\main\\webapp\\about\\info.txt , use com.google.code.maven-svn-revision-number-plugin to provide values for above variables: 并将其放入src \\ main \\ webapp \\ about \\ info.txt ,使用com.google.code.maven-svn-revision-number-plugin为上述变量提供值:


The file will be available under http://your-domain.com/resources/about/info.txt 该文件将在http://your-domain.com/resources/about/info.txt下提供

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