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WPF MVVM切换用户控件

[英]WPF MVVM switch usercontrols

I am new to MVVM and WPF but I know what's going on in MVVM. 我是MVVM和WPF的新手,但我知道MVVM中发生了什么。 I have a problem with switching between user controls in mainwindow. 我在主窗口中切换用户控件时遇到问题。 In my app I have: MainWindow.xaml with log and 2 links: Show all and Create new. 在我的应用程序中,我有:MainWindow.xaml,带有日志和2个链接:显示全部并创建新的。 Of course I have ViewModel for it. 当然我有ViewModel。 I have 2 more UserControls: ShowAll and Create with ViewModels and all logic in it (adding data etc). 我还有2个UserControls:ShowAll和Create with ViewModels以及其中的所有逻辑(添加数据等)。 How can I show create form when I click link Create new or show all when I click ShowAll? 当我单击链接时创建新建或单击ShowAll时显示全部,如何显示创建表单?

In windowForms I just hide UC, buto here is no code behind :) 在windowForms我只是隐藏UC,但是这里没有代码:)

My MainWindow.xaml: 我的MainWindow.xaml:

<Window x:Class="Test.Views.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="300" Width="300">
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Name}"/>
            <Button Content="Change" Command="{Binding ChangeCommand}"/>

My MainWindowViewModel: 我的MainWindowViewModel:

class MainWindowViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private Person _person;
    private BaseCommand _changeCommand;

    public MainWindowViewModel()
        _person = new Person();

    public string Name
            return _person.Name;
            if (_person.Name != value)
                _person.Name = value;
            OnPropertyChanged(() => Name);

    public ICommand ChangeCommand
            if (_changeCommand == null)
                _changeCommand = new BaseCommand(() => change());
            return _changeCommand;

    private void change()
        _person = new Person();
        Name = _person.Imie;

In Create and ShowAll there is no code. 在Create和ShowAll中没有代码。 In xaml only a label, VM is empty. 在xaml中只有一个标签,VM是空的。 Just for test. 只是为了测试。

Thank's for help! 感谢帮助!

You can use a ContentControl to display a specific DataTemplate based on the type of ViewModel that is bound to the ContentControl . 您可以使用ContentControl根据绑定到ContentControl的ViewModel的类型显示特定的DataTemplate

http://www.japf.fr/2009/03/thinking-with-mvvm-data-templates-contentcontrol/ http://www.japf.fr/2009/03/thinking-with-mvvm-data-templates-contentcontrol/

The command that is bound to the ShowAll button can simply change a property on your main ViewModel which is what is bound to your content control. 绑定到ShowAll按钮的命令可以简单地更改主ViewModel上的属性,该属性绑定到内容控件。

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