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[英]Automatically call controller method and generate partial view. How?

I want to automatically generate a list in a partial view. 我想在局部视图中自动生成一个列表。

_Layout.cshtml _Layout.cshtml


TransactionController TransactionController

public JsonResult transactionlist()
            List<Transaction> TransactionList = new List<Transaction>().ToList();
            string Usercache = MemoryCache.Default[User.Identity.Name] as string;

            int UsercacheID = Convert.ToInt32(Usercache);
            if (Usercache == null)
                int UserID = (from a in db.UserProfiles
                              where a.UserName == User.Identity.Name
                              select a.UserId).First();
                UsercacheID = UserID;
                MemoryCache.Default[User.Identity.Name] = UsercacheID.ToString();
            var Account = (from a in db.UserAccount
                           where a.UserId == UsercacheID
                           select a).First();

            var DBTransaction = from a in db.Transaction
                                where a.AccountId == Account.AccountId
                                select a;

            var DBTransactionList = DBTransaction.ToList();
            for (int i = 0; i < DBTransactionList.Count; i++)
            ViewBag.acountsaldo = Account.Amount;

            return Json(TransactionList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

How should my _Transaction.cshtml be coded to make a simple list without submit buttons etc.? 如何_Transaction.cshtml来制作一个没有提交按钮等的简单列表?

You should call your controller action and have it return your partial view. 您应该调用控制器操作并让它返回您的局部视图。 Also, use a view model instead of viewbag. 此外,使用视图模型而不是viewbag。

Layout or parent view/partial view: 布局或父视图/局部视图:

@Html.Action("Transaction", "YourController")

Partial view: 局部视图:

@model TransactionModel
@foreach (Transaction transaction in Model.TransactionList) {
    // Do something with your transaction here - print the name of it or whatever

View Model: 查看型号:

public class TransactionModel {
    public IEnumerable<Transaction> TransactionList { get; set; }

Controller: 控制器:

public class YourController
    public ActionResult Transaction()
            List<Transaction> transactionList = new List<Transaction>().ToList();
            // Your logic here to populate transaction list
            TransactionModel model = new TransactionModel();
            model.TransactionList = transactionList;

            return PartialView("_Transaction", model);

One way is to have a page return a list of items and feed them into your partial. 一种方法是让页面返回一个项目列表并将它们提供给您的部分。

function ActionResult GetMainTransactionView()
  List<Transaction> transactions=GetTransactions();
  return PartialView("TransactionIndex",transactions);

TransactionIndex.cshtml TransactionIndex.cshtml

@model List<Transaction>

Main.chtml Main.chtml

<a id="transactionLink" href='@Url.Action("GetMainTransactionView","Transaction")'/>

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