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[英]Null Pointer Exception in Recursive method

I am trying to create a method ' headSet ' that creates and returns a new TreeSet , set , of values which are all values in the called TreeSet which are less than the parameter element 'before'. 我正在尝试创建一个方法' headSet ',该方法创建并返回一个新的TreeSet set值,这些值都是被调用TreeSet中所有小于参数元素'before'的值。

I can get all the correct traversals and I debugged, in Net Beans, the new set does contain all the values that it should before the exception is thrown. 我可以得到所有正确的遍历,并且在Net Beans中进行了调试,新集确实包含了引发异常之前应该包含的所有值。 I just can't figure out why when i call headSet(n.right,before,set) .. specifically n.right .. it breaks. 我只是不知道为什么当我调用headSet(n.right,before,set) ..特别是n.right ..时,它会中断。 It would work fine if it didn't break. 如果没有破裂,它将很好地工作。

Edit: When I run the program with problem line , headSet(n.right,before,set) , then all 3 headSet() method calls in the main recursive helper are in the stack trace. 编辑:当我用问题行headSet(n.right,before,set)运行程序时,主递归帮助器中的所有3个headSet()方法调用都在堆栈跟踪中。 When I comment out that line, there are no problems other than an incorrect tree traversal. 当我注释掉该行时,除了不正确的树遍历之外,没有其他问题。

This is the main public called method that triggers the recursive helper: 这是触发递归帮助器的主要公共调用方法:

public SortedSet<E> headSet(E before){
  SortedSet<E> set = new SearchTreeSet<E>();
  headSet(root, before, set);
  return set;

where root is the first node in the called TreeSet . 其中root是被调用的TreeSet的第一个节点。

The main recursive helper: 主要的递归帮助器:

private void headSet(Node n, E before, SortedSet<E> set) {
  int comp = myCompare(n.data, before);

  if (comp < 0){ //n.data is less than before
    // add node n to the new set
    if (n.data != null) { //It shouldn't be null but I just wanted to eliminate NPE sources
    // all nodes to the left are added automatically with a separate recursive function
    headSet(n.left, set);

    // test nodes to the right

    //////////////The next statement forces a null pointer exception ////////
    headSet(n.right, before, set);
  // n.data is greater than or equal to 'before'
  else {

        // move to the left and retest
        headSet(n.left, before, set);

The second recursive function doesn't compare, it just adds all node branches to the new Sorted Tree Set 'set' 第二个递归函数不进行比较,只是将所有节点分支添加到新的Sorted Tree Set“集合”中

private void headSet(Node n, SortedSet<E> set){
  if (n.data != null){ // 'if statement' is to eliminate NPE sources, it normally shouldn't be null
  if (n.left != null) { headSet(n.left, set);  }
  if (n.right != null) { headSet(n.right, set); }

RESOLVED : Thanks guys! 解决 :谢谢大家! That did it.. I can't believe I didn't see it. 做到了..我不敢相信我没有看到它。

Here's what I changed to fix the problem: 这是我为解决问题所做的更改:

if (n.left != null) {
   headSet(n.left, set);

if (n.right != null) {
   headSet(n.right, before, set);

And also 并且

if (n.right != null) {
   headSet(n.right, before, set);

First of all, I don't think you are going to achieve what you have planned for with SortedSet. 首先,我认为您不会通过SortedSet实现您计划的目标。 Because when you add object to SortedSet it sorts the internal order of objects according to compareTo method defined by the object you are adding to it. 因为当您将对象添加到SortedSet时,它会根据要添加到该对象的对象定义的compareTo方法对对象的内部顺序进行排序。 Now in your case simplest thing to do is to implement Comparable to n.data class. 现在,在您的情况下,最简单的方法是实现Comparable to n.data类。 When you do that you can use logic what you had defined in myCompare method. 这样做时,可以使用myCompare方法中定义的逻辑。 Now add n.data to SortedSet in any order and SortedSet will organise them using its natural order. 现在以任意顺序将n.data添加到SortedSet中,SortedSet将使用其自然顺序来组织它们。 If you really want to maintain order programmatically then use List. 如果您真的想以编程方式维护订单,请使用列表。 Now lets say you got rid of NPE and then you want to print n.data stored in Set and want to verify that your sorting algorithm had worked or not, which you can not do because set will return the list of object according to its natural sorting order. 现在让我们说您摆脱了NPE,然后要打印存储在Set中的n.data并想验证您的排序算法是否起作用,您无法执行此操作,因为set会根据其自然返回对象列表排序顺序。

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