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猫鼬:geoNear,人口众多。 使用executeDbCommand时是否可以填充字段?

[英]Mongoose: geoNear and populate. Is it possible to populate fields while using executeDbCommand?

I'm doing a geospatial query using Mongoose and would like to also use populate(). 我正在使用Mongoose进行地理空间查询,并且还想使用populate()。

Am I correct that populate() is a Mongoose specific command and won't work when using executeDbCommand? 我是否正确说populate()是猫鼬特定的命令,并且在使用executeDbCommand时不起作用? I've tried the following: 我尝试了以下方法:

    geoNear : "geopoints",
    near : [long, lat],
    populate : 'field', <-- doesn't work
    spherical : false, 
    maxDistance : maxDis
}, function(err, result){

nor 也不

    geoNear : "geopoints",
    near : long, lat],
    spherical : false, 
    maxDistance : maxDis
}, function(err, result){
}).populate('field', function(err, res){
   //also didn't work

any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Here's how im doing it: 我的操作方法如下:

        var query = property.geoNear(
            [parseFloat(req.params.longitude), parseFloat(req.params.latitude)],
              spherical : true,  
              distanceMultiplier: 3959,
              maxDistance : parseFloat(req.params.distance)/3959 
            }, function(err,docs) {
              if (err) throw err;

              //mapping each doc into new object and populating distance
              docs = docs.map(function(x) {
                var a = new property( x.obj );
                a.distance = x.dis;                 
                return a;

              // populating user object
              property.populate( docs, { path: 'user', select: 'firstname lastname email' }, function(err,properties) {
                  if (err) res.json(err);

My solution is similar to "itaylorweb", but instead of mapping the docs i simply populate it. 我的解决方案类似于“ itaylorweb”,但是我没有填充文档,而是直接填充它。

geoNear result is object: geoNear结果是对象:

    dis": 0,
    "obj": { refField: someObjectId}

Notice the path of the populate is different, it has to be accessed via "obj". 请注意,填充的路径不同,必须通过“ obj”进行访问。 So: 所以:

var query = property.geoNear(
        [parseFloat(req.params.longitude), parseFloat(req.params.latitude)],
          spherical : true,  
          distanceMultiplier: 3959,
          maxDistance : parseFloat(req.params.distance)/3959 
        }, function(err,docs) {
          if (err) throw err;

          // populating user object
          // nothice path!
          property.populate( docs, { path: 'obj.user', select: 'firstname lastname email' }, function(err,properties) {
              if (err) res.json(err);

I'm do something similar to Shahaf H. and itaylorweb, but I'm not using callbacks. 我正在做与Shahaf H.和itaylorweb类似的事情,但是我没有使用回调。 Rather, I'm using promises..Here's my solutoin: 相反,我正在使用诺言。.这是我的独奏:

``` ```

let promise = Campground.geoNear(point, options);
       .then((result)=>{ res.send(result);})

function populateReview(campgrounds) {
   return Campground.populate( campgrounds, {path: 'obj.Reviews', select: 'rating'});

``` ```

Heres another way. 这是另一种方式。 I had to change to this approach to apply where clauses using query: {} 我不得不更改为使用查询来应用where子句:{}

    near:[parseFloat(req.params.longitude), parseFloat(req.params.latitude)], 
    query: {
        monthlyFee : { 
                                $gte: parseInt(req.params.minPrice), 
                                $lte: parseInt(req.params.maxPrice)
        numberOfBedrooms : { $gte: parseInt(req.params.minBedrooms) }
.exec(function(err,docs) {
    if (err) res.send(err);

    property.populate( docs, { path: 'user', select: 'firstname lastname email' }, function(err,properties) {
        if (err) res.json(err);


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