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在Bootstrap Popover中使用jQuery Search,但方法不会触发

[英]Use jQuery Search in Bootstrap Popover but method won't trigger

Hi Stackoverflow Community, 您好Stackoverflow社区,

I've got the following problem and I can't handle it myself: 我遇到以下问题,但我自己无法解决:

I've got the following search form: 我有以下搜索表格:

    <li class="list-group-item active" data-ignore-list-search="ignore"><?php echo $translate->_('Animals'); ?><span class="icon-search pull-right" rel="SearchBox" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body"></span>

        <div id="popover_content_wrapper" class="hide">
        <input placeholder="<?php echo $translate->_('Search'); ?> " id="FilterForm" class="filterform filterinput" type="text">

And I'm using following jQuery code to filter ul items: 我正在使用以下jQuery代码来过滤ul项目:

var ListSearch = function() {};
ListSearch.prototype = {
     * run
     * start incremental search.
     * @param {} input
     * @param {} target
     * @returns {} 
    run: function(input, target){
        var _this = this;
        var tagName = target.get(0).tagName;

        input.on('keyup', function(e){
            text = _this.getInputText(input);

            case 'TABLE':
                _this.listSearchTable(target, text);
            case 'UL':
                _this.listSearchListUl(target, text);
            case 'OL':
                _this.listSearchListOl(target, text);
            case 'DL':
                _this.listSearchListDl(target, text);
                throw new Error('Illegal tag name ' + targetObject.targetTagName);

    getInputText: function(input){
        return input.val();

     * tag table
    listSearchTable: function(target, text){
        this.listSearchCommon('tr', target, text);

     * tag ul
    listSearchListUl: function(target, text){
        this.listSearchCommon('li', target, text);

     * tag ol
    listSearchListOl: function(target, text){
        return this.listSearchListUl(target, text);

     * tag dl
    listSearchListDl: function(target, text){
        this.listSearchCommon('dd dt', target, text);

     * commondSearchList
    listSearchCommon: function(tagName ,target, text){
        var _this = this;
        var searchWords = this.searchWordToWords(text);
        var wordLength = searchWords.length;

            var thisJQuery = jQuery(this);
            if (thisJQuery.data('ignore-list-search') === 'ignore') return true;

            var body = _this.getBody(thisJQuery);
            var displayFlag = true;

            var wordCount = 0;
            for(wordCount = 0; wordCount < wordLength; wordCount++){
                var word = searchWords[wordCount];

                var pattern = new RegExp(word, 'i');
                if ( !body.match(pattern) ) {
                    displayFlag = false;

            jQuery(this).css('display', _this.getDisplayProperty(tagName, displayFlag));
            return true;

     * getDisplayProperty
     * @param {} tagName
     * @param {} flag
     * @returns {} 
    getDisplayProperty: function(tagName, flag){
        case 'tr':
            return flag?'table-row':'none';
        case 'li':
            return flag?'block':'none';
        case 'dd dt':
            return flag?'list-item':'none';
            throw new Error('Illegal tag name ' + targetObject.targetTagName);

     * getBody
     * @returns {}
    getBody: function(target){
        var body = target.text();
        return jQuery.trim(body);

     * searchWordToWords
     * a search text split to search words.
     * @param {} body
     * @param {} searchWord
     * @returns {} 
    searchWordToWords: function(text){
        text = jQuery.trim(text);
        var pattern = new RegExp(/[  \-\/]/);
        var words = text.split(pattern);

        // delete empty element
        var newWords = new Array();
        var wordsLength = words.length;
        var wordsCount = 0;
        for (wordsCount = 0; wordsCount < wordsLength; wordsCount++){
            var word = words[wordsCount];
            if (word != ""){
        return newWords;

 * Main stream
jQuery.fn.listSearch = function(input, options){
    var options = jQuery.extend(jQuery.fn.listSearch.defaults, options);

    // set using objects.
    var target = jQuery(this);
    switch (jQuery.type(input)){
        case 'string':
            input = jQuery(input);
        case 'object':
            input = input;
            throw 'Argiment value "' + input + '" is invalid.';

    // Event start
    listSearch = new ListSearch();
    listSearch.run(input, target);

    return target;

 * default settings.
jQuery.fn.listSearch.defaults = {





This works fine .. but if I put the #FilterForm input into the popover it doesn't filter out my uls anymore. 效果很好..但是如果我将#FilterForm输入放到弹出窗口中,它将不再过滤掉我的ul。

My Popover jQuery code: 我的Popover jQuery代码:

    html : true, 
    content: function() {
      return $('#popover_content_wrapper').html();
    trigger: 'click'

my UL hasn't any special tags or anything. 我的UL没有任何特殊标签或其他任何东西。

Thanks in advance and sorry for my weird English [Ed - fixed]: I am from Germany. 在此先感谢您,并感谢我的英语怪异[Ed-fixed]:我来自德国。

Greetings, Daniel 丹尼尔,问候

@user2908086, Its because you are using the same "filterform" text twice in the same input field but in different Types! @ user2908086,这是因为您在相同的输入字段中两次使用相同的“ filterform”文本,但是使用了不同的Types! Here is what you use: id="FilterForm" + class="filterform" ! 这是您使用的: id =“ FilterForm” + class =“ filterform” Locate the "filterform" class text in your CSS and rename the "filterform" and make sure its not the same as your ID. 在CSS中找到“ filterform”类文本,然后重命名“ filterform”,并确保其与您的ID不同。 Then add the same class name back in your input and see if that will work for you! 然后在您的输入中添加相同的类名,看看是否适合您! Good luck! 祝好运!

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