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[英]Array assignment not working with pointer syntax

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    char* chars = new char[4];
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        chars[i] = 'a';
    std::cout << chars;
    return 0;

That chunk of code works correctly. 那段代码正常工作。 stdout says 标准输出说


However, changing 但是,改变

chars[i] = 'a';


*chars++ = 'a';

or 要么

*(chars++) = 'a';

make stdout empty with nothing in stderr. 使stdout为空,stderr中没有任何内容。 What's going on? 这是怎么回事? I thought the [] was just syntactic sugar for *pointer. 我以为[]只是* pointer的语法糖。

The problem is that by iterating through chars using *chars++ = 'a' you modify the pointer. 问题在于,通过使用*chars++ = 'a'遍历chars可以修改指针。 When you finally output the string, it is pointing to the character just past the end of the string. 当您最终输出字符串时,它指向的是字符串末尾的字符。

Perhaps you were trying to do something like this: 也许您正在尝试执行以下操作:

for( char *p = chars, *end = chars + 4; p != end; )
    *p++ = 'a';

But this is ugly. 但这是丑陋的。 The first way ( chars[i] ) was better. 第一种方法( chars[i] )更好。 In either case, your array is not large enough to hold a 4-character string because you need a null-terminator. 无论哪种情况,您的数组都不足以容纳4个字符的字符串,因为您需要一个空终止符。

char *chars = new char[5];
char *p = chars;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) *p++ = 'a';
*p = '\0';                                    // null-terminate the string
cout << chars;
delete [] chars;

Note that there's not much use in dynamic allocation in your case. 请注意,在这种情况下,动态分配没有太大用处。 Why not just declare chars on the stack? 为什么不只在堆栈上声明char? Also, initialising it with all zeroes is not a bad practice: 同样,用全零初始化不是一个坏习惯:

char chars[5] = {0};

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