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使用JavaScript将PHP中的可下载文件返回到Internet Explorer

[英]Return downloadable file in PHP to Internet Explorer with JavaScript

I have a PHP web application in which users can click a button to download an XML file generated on the fly. 我有一个PHP Web应用程序,用户可以单击一个按钮来下载动态生成的XML文件。 It has worked well for a long time, but suddenly I am getting bug reports from a single Internet Explorer user (I only have a screenshot showing the bug). 长期以来,它一直运行良好,但是突然我从一个Internet Explorer用户那里得到了错误报告(我只有一个截图显示该错误)。 I need your help to figure out possible causes. 我需要您的帮助以找出可能的原因。

First, the button click in the web GUI is handled with jQuery which has a JavaScript window.location statement: 首先,使用具有JavaScript window.location语句的jQuery处理Web GUI中的按钮单击:

$("#generate-button").click(function() {
    window.location = "generateXml.phtml";

generateXml.phtml is PHP which creates an XML string which is returned: generateXml.phtml是PHP,它创建返回的XML字符串:

header('Content-Type: application/xml');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=xmlFile.xml');
echo $xmlString;

Up until now, users have always been prompted whether to open or save the xmlFile.xml (which is correct). 到目前为止,总是提示用户打开还是保存xmlFile.xml (正确)。 Now however, a user of Internet Explorer (version unknown but it appears to be IE10) is prompted whether to open or save generateXml_phtml : 但是,现在,提示Internet Explorer用户(未知版本,但似乎是IE10)打开还是保存generateXml_phtml


Note that IE has replaced the . 请注意,IE已取代. (dot) with _ (underscore). (点)和_ (下划线)。 It seems the PHP server code in generateXml.phtml is not even executed. 似乎generateXml.phtml的PHP服务器代码甚至没有执行。

Do you have any ideas? 你有什么想法? I cannot replicate the bug using IE on my own system. 我无法在自己的系统上使用IE复制错误。

Can you give a direct link to the problem? 您可以直接链接到该问题吗? Try change the extenssion to .php its weird if the file ins´t being processed the web server should only give you a executed code not the raw code, maybe is something wrong with .phtml extenssion... 如果未在Web服务器上处理文件,则仅将扩展名更改为.php,如果只给您一个已执行的代码而不是原始代码,.phtml扩展名可能有问题...

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