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[英]How do I replace all the letters in a string with another character using Java?

I want to be able to replace all the letters in a string with an underscore character. 我希望能够用下划线字符替换字符串中的所有字母。

So for example, lets say that my string is made up of the alpha characters: "Apple". 例如,假设我的字符串由字母字符“ Apple”组成。 How would I convert that into five underscores, because apple has five characters (letters) in it? 因为苹果里面有五个字符(字母),我如何将其转换为五个下划线?

Why not ignore the "replace" idea and simply create a new string with the same number of underscores... 为什么不忽略“替换”的想法,而只创建一个带有相同下划线数量的新字符串...

String input = "Apple";

String output = new String(new char[input .length()]).replace("\0", "_");
String output2 = StringUtils.repeat("_", input .length());

largely from here . 很大程度上是从这里开始的

As many others have said, replaceAll is probably the way to go if you don't want to include whitespace. 正如许多其他人所说的那样,如果您不想包含空格,则replaceAll可能是解决之道。 For this you don't need the full power of regex but unless the string is absolutely huge it certainly wouldn't hurt. 为此,您不需要正则表达式的全部功能,但除非字符串绝对很大,否则肯定不会受到伤害。

//replaces all non-whitespace with "_"
String output3 = input.replaceAll("\S", "_");
        String content = "apple";
        String replaceContent = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < content.length(); i++)
            replaceContent = replaceContent + content.replaceAll("^\\p{L}+(?: \\p{L}+)*$", "_");


Use Regular Expression 使用正则表达式

Regarding \\p{L} : Refer Unicode Regular Expressions 关于\\p{L} :参考Unicode正则表达式

You can use the String.replaceAll() method. 您可以使用String.replaceAll()方法。

To replace all letters: 替换所有字母:

String originalString = "abcde1234";
String underscoreString = originalString.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]","_");

If you meant all characters: 如果您的意思是所有字符:

String originalString = "abcde1234";
String underscoreString = originalString .replaceAll(".", "_");

What about this 那这个呢

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    String word="apple";

        for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++) {
            word = word.replace(word.charAt(i),'_');

Try this one. 试试这个。

String str = "Apple";
str = str.replaceAll(".", "_");

Try this, 尝试这个,

        String sample = "Apple";
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        for(char value : sample.toCharArray())

You could do 你可以做

int length = "Apple".length();
String underscores = new String(new char[length]).replace("\0", "_");


    String str="stackoverflow";
    StringBuilder builder=new StringBuilder();
    for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){

Sure, I'll toss in an alternative: 当然,我可以选择其他方法:

String input = "Apple";
char[] newCharacters = new char[input.length()];
Arrays.fill(newCharacters, '_');
String underscores = new String(newCharacters);

Or here's a nice, recursive approach: 或者这是一种不错的递归方法:

public static void main(String[] args) {

public static String underscores(String input) {
    if (input.isEmpty()) return "";
    else return "_" + underscores(input.substring(1));

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