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在Internet Explorer 9中刷新后不会加载Google Maps API

[英]Google Maps API won't load upon refresh in Internet Explorer 9

I have successfully created a map in Chrome and Firefox that displays kmz files, a single marker and the users current location. 我已经在Chrome和Firefox中成功创建了一个地图,该地图显示kmz文件,单个标记和用户当前位置。 The kmz file loaded is based on info that is retrieved using php from an external domain. 加载的kmz文件基于使用php从外部域检索的信息。 Currently when I load the page with IE 9, it loads successfully and I can browse around the map and use my other controls. 当前,当我使用IE 9加载页面时,页面加载成功,并且可以浏览地图并使用其他控件。

The problem occurs when I refresh. 我刷新时会出现问题。 The map doesn't come up. 地图未显示。 Everything else on the page loads successfully. 页面上的所有其他内容均已成功加载。 I thought it may have something to do with the markers but when I removed it I still get the same problem. 我认为这可能与标记有关,但是当我将其删除时,仍然遇到相同的问题。 I also ran my code through a program to catch trailing commas and missing semicolons. 我还通过一个程序来运行我的代码,以捕获结尾的逗号和缺少的分号。 Nothing! 没有! The other strange thing is that there are no errors in the IE9 debugger. 另一个奇怪的是,IE9调试器中没有错误。

Here is the code below: 这是下面的代码:

        var map;
        var cstage;
        var cFor;
        var KML = new Array();
        var KML_def;
        var FI;
        var Fnum;
        var OI;
        var Onum;
        var ObsV = new Array(); //observed values
        var ObsT = new Array(); //observed time
        var ForV = new Array(); //forecasted values
        var ForT = new Array(); //forecasted time
        var myKmlOptions = {
            preserveViewport: true

        //gets the current forecast
        function getForecast() {
                type: "GET",
                url: "/centralia/proxy.php",
                data: { requrl: "http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/hydrograph_to_xml.php?gage=cenw1&output=xml" },
                dataType: 'xml',
                success: function(xml) { parseXml(xml); }

        //parses the xml forecast data to get the observed and forecasted values
        function parseXml(xml) {
            var $xml = $(xml);
            var i;

            i = 1;
            Fnum = 0; //forecasted
            Onum = 0; //observed
            FI = 0;

            cFor = Date.now();
            $xml.find("forecast").children("datum").each(function() {
                ForV[i] = $(this).children("primary").text();
                var year = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(0, 4);
                var month = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(5, 2);
                var day = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(8, 2);
                var hour = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(11, 2);
                var min = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(14, 2);
                var sec = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(17, 2);
                ForT[i] = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour, min, sec));
                i = i + 1;
                Fnum = Fnum + 1;

            i = 0;
            $xml.find("observed").children("datum").each(function() {
                ObsV[i] = $(this).children("primary").text();
                var year = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(0, 4);
                var month = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(5, 2);
                var day = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(8, 2);
                var hour = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(11, 2);
                var min = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(14, 2);
                var sec = $(this).children("valid").text().substr(17, 2);
                ObsT[i] = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour, min, sec));
                i = i + 1;
                Onum = Onum + 1;

            cstage = ObsV[0];
            cFor = ObsT[0]; 

            //format time
            var c_mins = cFor.getMinutes();
            var c_Hrs = cFor.getHours();
            var a_p = "";

            if (c_Hrs < 12) {
                a_p = "AM";
            else {
                a_p = "PM";
            if (c_Hrs === 0) {
                c_Hrs = 12;
            if (c_Hrs > 12) {
                c_Hrs = c_Hrs - 12;

            c_mins = c_mins + "";

            if (c_mins.length == 1) {
                c_mins = "0" + c_mins;

            //write out values to html div
            $("#forcastVal").text(cstage.concat(" ft"));
            $("#forcastDat").text(cFor.getMonth() + '/' + cFor.getDate() + '/' + cFor.getFullYear() + ' ' + c_Hrs + ':' + c_mins + ' ' + a_p);
            $("#ForIndicator").text("(observed value)");

        //initialize function
        function initialize() {

            var myOptions =
            zoom: 8,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID

            // sets the type of map to be displayed
            // HYBRID - displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images
            // ROADMAP - displays a normal street map 
            // SATELLITE - displays satellite images
            // TERRAIN - displays maps with physical features such as terrain
            map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
            KML_def = new google.maps.KmlLayer('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7710611/Flood_Poly_161ft.kml');

            //add a marker for the station
            var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(46.711667, -122.9775);
            var Marker_CenPoint = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: myLatLng,
                map: map,
                title: 'Chehalis River at Centralia'


            Marker_CenPoint.info = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                content: '<a href="http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/hydrograph.php?wfo=sew&gage=cenw1" target="_blank">Chehalis River at Centralia</a>'

            google.maps.event.addListener(Marker_CenPoint, 'click', function() {
                Marker_CenPoint.info.open(map, Marker_CenPoint);

            //initial kmz load (all kmz files)
            KML[1] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('1.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[2] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('2.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[3] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('3.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[4] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('4.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[5] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('5.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[6] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('6.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[7] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('7.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[8] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('8.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[9] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('9.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[10] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('10.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[11] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('11.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[12] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('12.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[13] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('13.kml', myKmlOptions);
            KML[14] = new google.maps.KmlLayer('14.kml', myKmlOptions);

            //add current location marker
            var myloc = new google.maps.Marker({
                clickable: false,
                icon: new google.maps.MarkerImage('//maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/mobile/mobileimgs2.png',
                    new google.maps.Size(22, 22),
                    new google.maps.Point(0, 18),
                    new google.maps.Point(11, 11)),
                shadow: null,
                zIndex: 999,
                map: map

            if (navigator.geolocation) {
                navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(pos) {
                    var me = new google.maps.LatLng(pos.coords.latitude, pos.coords.longitude);
            else {
                alert("Geolocation is not available");

            //get current forecast

function twentyOFour(LNo, cell) {
            //loop through all cells and change color
            //for (k = 1; 4; k++) {
            var x = document.getElementById("t1").getElementsByTagName("td");
            x[0].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x = document.getElementById("t2").getElementsByTagName("td");
            x[0].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[1].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[2].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[3].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x = document.getElementById("t3").getElementsByTagName("td");
            x[0].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[1].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[2].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x = document.getElementById("t4").getElementsByTagName("td");
            x[0].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[1].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[2].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[3].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[4].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";
            x[5].style.backgroundColor = "#dcdcdc";

            for (var i = 1; i < 15; i++) {
                if (i == LNo) {
                    cell.style.backgroundColor = "#F0E68C";
                else {

I suspect that it has something to do with the timing of the code but I'm not sure. 我怀疑这与代码的时间安排有关,但我不确定。 All of my Google searches turned up maps that wouldn't load initially but would upon refresh. 我所有的Google搜索都打开了最初不会加载但刷新后会加载的地图。 I'm experiencing the exact opposite. 我正好相反。 Any help would be greatly appreciated! 任何帮助将不胜感激! I hope I gave enough details, I'm a beginner programmer. 我希望我能提供足够的细节,我是一名初学者。 Thanks. 谢谢。

check your network waterfall in the F12 tools and see if you are actually requesting the data or this some sort of 404 thing would be my first thing. 在F12工具中检查您的网络瀑布,看看您是否实际上是在请求数据,否则这404样的事情将是我的第一件事。 You may have the data cache in the browser or something like that. 您可能在浏览器中有数据缓存或类似的东西。 If the network tab does not help determing that use Fiddler to see the raw request. 如果“网络”选项卡不能帮助确定使用Fiddler查看原始请求。

Errors would not show up in the debugger, but the console ;) 错误不会显示在调试器中,但是会显示在控制台上;)

I would then set some breakpoints are key locations and watch the variables and step through the code to see what happens. 然后,我将一些断点设置为关键位置,并观察变量并逐步执行代码以查看发生了什么。

Hope this helps get you in the right direction. 希望这有助于您朝正确的方向发展。

I found out what was going on in Internet Explorer. 我发现Internet Explorer中发生了什么。 I had suspicions that the functions and tasks were executing out of order but I didn't quite know where to look for it. 我怀疑功能和任务的执行顺序不正确,但我不知道在哪里寻找。 Eventually I added a listener to the Google map. 最终,我在Google地图上添加了一个侦听器。 The listener fires up when the map goes idle, or in other words it is completely finished loading. 映射空闲时,换句话说,它完全完成加载,监听器启动。 Added this to line 104. 将此添加到第104行。

google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function(){

This way the rest of the script waits for the map to finish loading. 这样,脚本的其余部分将等待地图完成加载。 Worked like a charm! 像魅力一样工作! Thanks for the tips guys. 谢谢提醒伙计。 Im still not sure why this worked in Chrome and Firefox but not in IE... 我仍然不确定为什么这可以在Chrome和Firefox中使用,但不能在IE中使用...

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