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如何设置Python脚本在Apache 2.0中工作?

[英]How do you set up Python scripts to work in Apache 2.0?

I tried to follow a couple of googled up tutorials on setting up mod_python, but failed every time. 我尝试在设置mod_python时使用几个谷歌搜索教程,但每次都失败了。 Do you have a good, step-by step, rock-solid howto? 你有一个好的,一步一步,坚如磐石的howto?

My dev box is OS X, production - Centos. 我的开发盒是OS X,制作 - Centos。

There are two main ways of running Python on Apache. 在Apache上运行Python有两种主要方式。 The simplest would be to use CGI and write normal Python scripts while the second is using a web framework like Django or Pylons. 最简单的是使用CGI并编写普通的Python脚本,而第二种是使用像Django或Pylons这样的Web框架。

Using CGI is straightforward. 使用CGI非常简单。 Make sure your Apache config file has a cgi-bin set up. 确保您的Apache配置文件设置了cgi-bin。 If not, follow their documentation ( http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/cgi.html ). 如果没有,请按照他们的文档( http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/cgi.html )。 At that point all you need to do is place your Python scripts in the cgi-bin directory and the standard output will become the HTTP response. 此时,您需要做的就是将Python脚本放在cgi-bin目录中,标准输出将成为HTTP响应。 Refer to Python's documentation for further info ( https://docs.python.org/library/cgi.html ). 有关详细信息,请参阅Python的文档( https://docs.python.org/library/cgi.html )。

If you want to use a web framework you'll need to setup mod_python or FastCGI. 如果要使用Web框架,则需要设置mod_python或FastCGI。 These steps are dependent on which framework you want to use. 这些步骤取决于您要使用的框架。 Django provides clear instructions on how to setup mod_python and Django with Apache ( http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/modpython/ ) Django提供了有关如何使用Apache设置mod_python和Django的明确说明( http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/modpython/

Yes, mod_python is pretty confusing to set up. 是的,mod_python设置起来非常混乱。 Here's how I did it. 这就是我做到的。

In httpd.conf: 在httpd.conf中:

LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so

<Directory "/serverbase/htdocs/myapp">
  AddHandler mod_python .py
  PythonHandler myapp
  PythonDebug On

and in your application directory: 并在您的应用程序目录中:

$ /serverbase/htdocs/myapp$ ls -l
total 16
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root sys        6484 May 21 15:54 myapp.py

Repeat the configuration for each python program you wish to have running under mod_python. 对你希望在mod_python下运行的每个python程序重复配置。

Are you running Python on UNIX or Windows? 你在UNIX或Windows上运行Python吗?

An alternative to mod_python and FastCGI is mod_wsgi. mod_python和FastCGI的替代方法是mod_wsgi。 You can find out more at modwsgi 您可以在modwsgi找到更多信息

I have built and installed this on Solaris without problems. 我在Solaris上构建并安装了这个没有问题。 I had previously tried mod_python but ran into problems with shared libraries as part of the build. 我以前尝试过mod_python但是在构建过程中遇到了共享库的问题。 There are good install docs available. 很好的安装文档可用。

The problem for me wasn't in Apache set up, but in understanding how mod_apache actually uses the .py files. 对我来说问题不是在Apache设置中,而是在理解mod_apache如何实际使用.py文件。 Module-level statements (including those in a if __name__=='__main__' section) are not executed--I assumed that the stdout from running the script at the commandline would be what the server would output, but that's not how it works. 模块级语句(包括if __name__=='__main__'部分中的if __name__=='__main__'不会被执行 - 我假设在命令行运行脚本的stdout将是服务器输出的内容,但这不是它的工作原理。

Instead, I wrote a module-level function called index() , and had it return as a string the HTML of the page. 相反,我编写了一个名为index()的模块级函数,并将其作为字符串返回页面的HTML。 It's also possible to have other module-level functions (eg, otherFunction() ) that can be accessed as further segments in the URI (eg, testScript/otherFunction for the file testScript.py .) 也可以使用其他模块级函数(例如, otherFunction() ),这些函数可以作为URI中的其他段进行访问(例如, testScript/otherFunction用于文件testScript.py 。)

Obviously, this makes more sense than my original stdout conception. 显然,这比我原来的stdout概念更有意义。 Better capability of actually using Python as a scripting language and not a humongous markup language. 更好的实际使用Python作为脚本语言的能力,而不是一种非常棒的标记语言。

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