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[英]php get key and value from array inside array

Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong? 谁能告诉我我在做什么错?

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

private $user;
private $location;
private $users = array('user1' => array('John Doe' => 'NYC'),
                       'user2' => array('Jane Doe' => 'NYC'));

function setUser($user) {
  foreach ($users[$user] as $key => $value) {
    $this->user = $key;
    $this->location = $value;

I want to create methid setUser($user) where you pass in user id, and then return the users name and location. 我想创建方法setUser($user) ,您在其中传递用户ID,然后返回用户名和位置。

Example of method call: 方法调用示例:


If the user is set to user1, then return user1 data, if user is set to user2, then return user2 data But the $user variable isn't set to John Doe in my example. 如果将用户设置为user1,则返回user1数据,如果将用户设置为user2,则返回user2数据但是在我的示例中,$ user变量未设置为John Doe。

function setUser($user) {
  foreach ($this->users[$user] as $key => $value) {
    $this->user = $key;
    $this->location = $value;

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