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[英]Perform search by Date using entity framework

I try to make search query in Entity framework. 我尝试在实体框架中进行搜索查询。 I have table Project with 'Id', 'ProjectName', 'Description' and "modificationdate" etc. I want to perform search on 'ProjecName', 'Description' and "modificationdate". 我的表Project带有“ Id”,“ ProjectName”,“ Description”和“ modificationdate”等。我想搜索“ ProjecName”,“ Description”和“ modificationdate”。 I successfully perform search on 'ProjectName' & 'Description' but i don't know how perform search by date 我成功地在“ ProjectName”和“ Description”上执行了搜索,但是我不知道如何按日期执行搜索

var found = from n in context.Project
                            where n.projectName.Contains(SearchKey) ||
                        select n;

You can use the greather-than > , less-than < and equals == operators for example (see this for a complete list) to search by date. 您可以使用例如大于号> ,小于号<和等于==运算符(请参阅以获得完整列表)来按日期搜索。 Example to get projects modified a week ago or less: 一周或更短时间内修改项目的示例:

DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7) > n.modificationdate

If you don't want to include the time, you can use the Date property to exclude it: 如果您不想包括时间,则可以使用Date属性将其排除:

DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).Date > n.modificationdate.Date

Edit: search by given date: 编辑:按给定日期搜索:

date == n.modificationdate

Where date is the given date. date是给定的日期。 If the date is specified in the SearchKey variable (which I assume is a string ), you have to parse it to a date first. 如果在SearchKey变量(我假设是string )中指定了日期,则必须先将其解析为日期。

To take what you're saying from the comments: 从评论中得出您的意思:

Actually i try to perform search on given date 实际上,我尝试在给定日期执行搜索

If you want to search for modifications on a given date, just search for values greater than or equal to the start of the date and then everything less than the day after. 如果要搜索给定日期的修改,只需搜索大于或等于日期开始的值,然后搜索小于第二天的所有值。

var searchDate = new DateTime(2013, 2, 5); // or searchDateWithTime.Date
var searchDatePlusOne = searchDate.AddDays(1);

return from n in context.Project
       where n.ModificationDate >= searchDate
             && n.ModificationDate < searchDatePlusOne
       select n;

If n.ModificationDate contains a date and nothing more, then n.ModificationDate == searchDate is a sufficient predicate. 如果n.ModificationDate包含日期,则n.ModificationDate == searchDate是足够的谓词。

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