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[英]Is there a way to get POINT coordinate from Lat, Lng using MySQL functions?

I need to get mercator coordinates from Lat , Lng in Node.js. 我需要从Node.js中的LatLng获取墨卡托坐标。 I can use some module (for example, node-sphericalmercator ). 我可以使用一些模块(例如node-sphericalmercator )。 But it means that the calculation is done on the Node server, not in MySQL: 但这意味着计算是在Node服务器上完成的,而不是在MySQL中完成的:

// Here is pseudo code example
var sphericalmercator = new Sphericalmercator();

res = "SELECT ALL lat, lng FROM table"

var rs = res.map(function(row) {
    return [sphericalmercator.forward([row.lng, row.lat])]

// and only then I can do subsequent INSERTs.

But I'd like to covert Lat , Lng into POINT straightly in MySQL, not on Nodejs server. 但是我想在MySQL中而不是在Nodejs服务器上直接将LatLng转换为POINT Is there some functions for this? 有一些功能吗?

INSERT INTO table VALUES SomeFuncThatTraslatesToPoint(Lng, Lat)

I admit i'm no expert, but is this something like what you're trying to do? 我承认我不是专家,但这是否像您想要的那样?

Moving lat/lon text columns into a 'point' type column 将经/纬文本列移动到“点”类型列

Specifically the section regarding GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', lat, ' ', lng, ')')) 特别是有关GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', lat, ' ', lng, ')'))

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