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[英]Copying Arrays and cleaning up

I'm trying to copy my array into a larger array and then delete the old array to clean things up. 我正在尝试将阵列复制到更大的阵列中,然后删除旧的阵列进行清理。 The class has an int and a pointer, and overrides the destructor to make sure it doesn't delete the pointer when I can delete [] . 该类具有一个int和一个指针,并重写析构函数以确保在可以delete []时不删除该指针。 but I get a exception thrown on my delete [] . 但是我的delete []抛出了异常。 I use = new field[1000]; 我用= new field[1000]; to initialize the array. 初始化数组。

I get "Collections.exe has triggered a breakpoint." 我收到"Collections.exe has triggered a breakpoint." , but the breakpoint isn't mine. ,但断点不是我的。

inline void _resize(unsigned int newTableSize, bool _trimCalled){ 
            if (newTableSize < tableSize && _trimCalled == false) {
            field* newTable = new field[newTableSize]; 
            for (unsigned int x = 0; x < newTableSize; x++)
                newTable[x] = table[x];
            tableSize = newTableSize;  
            delete[] table;
            table = newTable;   

inline void _trim(){
    // compact the table 
    // fill in from the end of the table
    for (int x = tableSize; !emptyPlaces.empty() ; x--){
        if (table[x].used = true){
            table[emptyPlaces.top()] = table[x];
    // trim the excess
    _resize((unsigned int)(usedFields * 1.1 + 10), true);

template<typename key, typename object> class DictonaryArray {
    struct field{
        field(){ this->key = 0; this->_object = nullptr; this->used = false; }
        field(key _key, object __object){;
            key = _key;
            _object = new object();
            *_object = __object;
            this->used = true;
        key key;
        object* _object;
        bool used;
table = newtable;; 
delete[] table;

Looks suspicious. 看起来可疑。

Maybe you want, 也许你想要

delete[] table;
table = newTable; 

Delete old table and assign address of new Table to it. 删除旧表并为其分配新表的地址。

Edit 1: 编辑1:

Also , Assuming tableSize is the size of the old table 另外,假设tableSize是旧表的大小

for (unsigned int x = 0; x < newTableSize; x++)

needs to be 需要是

for (unsigned int x = 0; x < tableSize; x++)

because table[x] can only be read upto tableSize-1 因为table[x]只能读取到tableSize-1

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