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[英]Why doesn't the progress bar progress?

Following function is called to move the progress bar but I don't know why it doesn't move till other process just works on. 调用以下函数来移动进度条,但我不知道为什么直到其他进程都正常工作后它才会移动。

private void startProgressBar() {
    Runnable r = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            int p = 1;
            while(!loginCompleted) {
                try {Thread.sleep(5000);}catch(Exception exc) {}
    new Thread(r,"progress_bar_thread").start();

Snippet that calls startProgressBar : 调用startProgressBar代码startProgressBar

        startProgressBar(); // CALL
        String username = usernameTextField.getText();
        String password = new String(passwordField.getPassword());
        Openfire server = new Openfire();
        boolean isConnected = server.connect(username,password);
        if(isConnected) {
            // Stash the username and password
            User user = new User();

            // Stop the progress bar
            loginCompleted = true;

            // Display the next window
            UserGUI blab = new UserGUI();
            this.dispose(); // Dispose off the login window

What could be the problem ? 可能是什么问题呢 ?

Your code doesn't appear to adjust the progress bar at all: 您的代码似乎根本无法调整进度条:

signInProgressBar.setValue(5);  // <-- in your while loop

This just continually sets the bar's position to 5 , which appears to be about 50% on your scale. 这只会连续将条形图的位置设置为5 ,这似乎是您的比例的50%左右。 Perhaps if you are unsure of the length of your task, you should make your progress bar indeterminate ? 也许如果不确定任务的长度,应该使进度条不确定吗?

You should also be using the EDT to adjust the progress bar with setValue() . 您还应该使用EDT通过setValue()调整进度条。 See the Concurrency in Swing tutorial for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参见Swing中并发教程

All of this stuff: 所有这些东西:

    Openfire server = new Openfire();
    boolean isConnected = server.connect(username,password);
    if(isConnected) {
        // Stash the username and password
        User user = new User();

        // Stop the progress bar
        loginCompleted = true;
        // ....

... should be done on a background thread, especially connecting and interacting with the server, else you'll be tying up the Swing event thread and with it your entire GUI. ...应该在后台线程上完成,尤其是在与服务器连接和交互时,否则,您将束缚Swing事件线程以及整个GUI。 Also use a SwingWorker for your background thread and just set its value which the JProgressBar can easily follow via a PropertyChangeListener. 也可以将SwingWorker用于后台线程,并只需设置其值即可通过PropertyChangeListener轻松地跟随JProgressBar。

while(!loginCompleted) {
            try {Thread.sleep(5000);}catch(Exception exc) {}

You made a small mistake signInProgressBar.setValue(5); 您犯了一个小错误signInProgressBar.setValue(5); should be ignInProgressBar.setValue(p); 应该是ignInProgressBar.setValue(p);

The current code when starts will generate a empty bar then immidieatly will set it to 50% , there is no statement that progresses it after login is complete. 当前代码在启动时会生成一个空条,然后立即将其设置为50%,没有语句在登录完成后继续执行。

You may need repaint and invalidate . 您可能需要repaint并使它们invalidate

try 尝试


and why you set always 5 for signInProgressBar.setValue 以及为什么将signInProgressBar.setValue始终设置为signInProgressBar.setValue

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