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[英]What's this java pattern called?

I'm wondering what the following pattern is called, if it has a name at all. 我想知道下面的模式是什么,如果它有一个名字。

Purpose 目的

Store data that is associated with an object ( MyObject ), but that is private to an implementation of an interface that deals with that object. 存储与对象( MyObject )关联的数据,但该数据对于处理该对象的接口的实现是私有的。 Clients of the object have no business looking at this data. 对象的客户端没有业务查看此数据。

Alternatives 备择方案

Some alternatives are 一些替代方案是

  1. a WeakHashMap<MyObject, FooApiMyObjectAttachment> maintained in the implementation of the interface, 一个WeakHashMap<MyObject, FooApiMyObjectAttachment>在接口的实现中维护,
  2. using subclassing and factories everywhere the value is created, so that the extra data can be stored in the subclass or 使用子类化和工厂到处创建值,以便额外的数据可以存储在子类或
  3. using subclassing and accepting both MyObject and subclasses in the API. 使用子类并接受API中的MyObject 子类。

Code example 代码示例

public interface MyApi {
  void doSomething(MyObject x);

public class MyObject {
  public interface Attachment {} // empty interface, type bound only
  private Attachment attachment;
  public void setAttachment(Attachment attachment) {
    this.attachment = attachment;
  public <T extends Attachment> T getAttachment(Class<T> type) {
    return type.cast(attachment);

class FooApiMyObjectAttachment implements MyObject.Attachment {
  Foo foo; // some data that one MyApi implementer `foo' wants to persist between calls, but that is neither needed nor desired on MyObject 

class BarApiMyObjectAttachment implements MyObject.Attachment {
  Bar bar; // some data that another MyApi implementer `bar' wants to persist between calls, but that is neither needed nor desired on MyObject

class FooApi implements MyApi {
  // associates FooApiMyObjectAttachment with any MyObjects passed to it or created by it

class BarApi implements MyApi {
  // associates BarApiMyObjectAttachment with any MyObjects passed to it or created by it

Compared to subclassing, the advantage is that no factories are needed for MyObject , just so that implementers of MyApi can associate extra data with the objects. 与子类化相比,优点是MyObject不需要工厂,只是为了使MyApi实现者能够将额外的数据与对象相关联。

Compared to a WeakHashMap in the implementers, a disadvantage is two methods on MyObject that aren't useful to clients, but an advantage is the simplicity. 与实现者中的WeakHashMap相比,缺点是MyObject上的两个对客户端无用的方法,但优点是简单。

A nice property of this pattern is that you can generalize it to store any number of attachments of different types with each node by changing the field to Map<Class<?>, Attachment> attachments , which cannot be done with subclassing at all. 这种模式的一个很好的属性是你可以通过将字段更改为Map<Class<?>, Attachment> attachments来概括它,以便为每个节点存储任意数量的不同类型的Map<Class<?>, Attachment> attachments ,这完全不能通过子类化完成。

I've seen the generalized form used successfully to annotate tree nodes in a tree rewriting system with various data used by various modules that processed the nodes. 我已经看到使用通用形式成功地在树重写系统中注释树节点,其中各种数据由处理节点的各种模块使用。 (cf pointers to parent nodes, origin information) (cf指向父节点的指针,原始信息)


Does this pattern have a name? 这个模式有名字吗? If so, what is it? 如果是这样,它是什么? Any references? 任何参考?

It looks like a structural pattern, very close derivation from Whole-part, or composite. 它看起来像一个结构模式,非常接近于整体部分或复合材料。

Looking for a reference online, an overview of Whole-Part: 在线查找参考资料,全部内容概述:

Sometimes called Composite 有时称为复合

Helps with the aggregation of components (parts) that together form a semantic unit (whole). 帮助组合(部分)的聚合,它们一起形成语义单元(整体)。

Direct access to the Parts is not possible 无法直接访问部件

Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. 将对象组合成树结构以表示部分整体层次结构。 Whole-Part lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of object uniformly Whole-Part允许客户统一处理单个对象和对象的组合

Composite Pattern 复合图案

Really the difference between what you are doing and the composite is that you are storing non-composites, so you don't get the tree structure that composites would allow, but a UML would look similar just without the pigs ear. 实际上你正在做的事情和复合材料之间的区别在于你存储的是非复合材料,所以你没有得到复合材料允许的树形结构,但是UML看起来就像没有猪耳朵一样。

Found it! 找到了!

The form where multiple attachments are possible ( Map<Class<?>, Attachment> attachments ) is described by Erich Gamma as the Extension Objects Pattern . 可以使用多个附件的形式( Map<Class<?>, Attachment> attachments )由Erich Gamma描述为扩展对象模式


角色对象模式真的非常相似,甚至可以说我得出的结论是我自己的问题的答案是: 它是角色对象模式

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