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为什么!{} [true]在JavaScript中评估为true?

[英]Why does !{}[true] evaluate to true in JavaScript?

{}[true] is [true] and ![true] should be false . {}[true][true]并且![true]应该是false

So why does !{}[true] evaluate to true ? 那么为什么!{}[true]评估为true

I believe that's because plain {}[true] is parsed as an empty statement block (not an object literal) followed by an array containing true , which is true . 我相信这是因为plain {}[true]被解析为一个空语句块(不是对象文字),后跟一个包含true的数组,这是true

On the other hand, applying the ! 另一方面,申请! operator makes the parser interpret {} as an object literal, so the following {}[true] becomes a member access that returns undefined , and !{}[true] is indeed true (as !undefined is true ). 运算符使解析器将{}解释为对象文字,因此以下{}[true]成为返回undefined的成员访问,而!{}[true]确实为true (因为!undefinedtrue )。

Because {}[true] does not return true , but undefined , and undefined is evaluated as false : 因为{}[true]不返回true ,但undefined ,并且undefined被评估为false

http://jsfiddle.net/67GEu/ http://jsfiddle.net/67GEu/

'use strict';
var b = {}[true];
alert(b); // undefined
b = !{}[true];
alert(b); // true

Because 因为


evaluates to undefined , and !undefined is true . 计算结果为undefined ,并且!undefinedtrue

From @schlingel: 来自@schlingel:

true is used as key and {} as hash map. true用作键, {}用作哈希映射。 There doesn't exist an property with the key true so it returns undefined . 不存在键为true的属性,因此返回undefined Not undefined is true , as expected. 正如预期的那样, undefined是不true

Console session ( Node.js [0.10.17] ): 控制台会话( Node.js [0.10.17] ):

> {}[true]
> !{}[true]
> [true]
[ true ]
> ![true]

However, in the Google Chrome console: 但是,在Google Chrome控制台中:

> !{}[true]

So, no inconsistencies. 所以,没有不一致。 You're probably using an old version of the JavaScript VM. 您可能正在使用旧版本的JavaScript VM。 For those who need further evidence: 对于那些需要进一步证据的人:



With Firefox , it also evaluates to true : 使用Firefox ,它还评估为true


The reason for the confusion is down to a misunderstanding of your first assertion: 造成混淆的原因可归结为对您的第一个断言的误解:

{}[true] is [true] {}[true][true]

What you're seeing when you run it is the result of an ambiguity. 你运行它时所看到的是模棱两可的结果。 Javascript has a defined set of rules as to how to handle ambiguities like this, and in this case, it breaks what you see as a signle statement down into two separate statements. Javascript有一套定义的规则来处理如何处理这样的歧义,在这种情况下,它会将你看到的signle语句分解为两个单独的语句。

So Javascript sees the above code as two separate statements: Firstly, there is a {} , and then there is an entirely separate [true] . 所以Javascript将上面的代码视为两个独立的语句:首先,有一个{} ,然后有一个完全独立的[true] The second statement is what is giving you the result [true] . 第二个陈述是什么给你结果[true] The first statement {} is effetively entirely ignored. 第一个陈述{}被有效地完全忽略了。

You can prove this by trying the following: 您可以通过尝试以下方法来证明这一点:


ie wrapping the whole thing in brackets to force the interpreter to read it as a single statement. 即将整个事物包装在括号中以强制解释器将其作为单个语句读取。

Now you'll see that the actual value of your statement is undefined . 现在您将看到语句的实际值undefined (this will also help us later to understand the next part) (这也有助于我们以后了解下一部分)

Now we know that the initial part of your question is a red herring, so let's move onto the final part of the question: 现在我们知道问题的最初部分是红鲱鱼,所以让我们转到问题的最后部分:

So why does !{}[true] evaluate to true? 那么为什么!{} [true]评估为真?

Here, we have the same statement, but with a ! 在这里,我们有相同的声明,但有一个! appended to the front of it. 附在前面。

In this case, Javascript's rules tell it to evaluates the entire thing as a single statement. 在这种情况下,Javascript的规则告诉它将整个事物评估为单个语句。

Refer back to what happened when we wrapped the earlier statement in brackets; 请回顾一下当我们用括号括起前面的陈述时发生的事情; we got undefined . 我们得到了undefined This time, we are effectively doing the same thing, but putting a ! 这一次,我们有效地做同样的事情,但放一个! in front of it. 在它面前。 So your code can be simplified as !undefined , which is true . 所以你的代码可以简化为!undefined ,这是true

Hopefully that explains it a bit. 希望这能解释一下。

It is a complex beast, but the lesson to learn here is to use brackets around your statements when evaluating them in the console, to avoid spurious results like this. 这是一个复杂的野兽,但这里要学到的教训是在控制台中评估它们时使用括号括起来,以避免这样的虚假结果。

{}[true] is undefined . {}[true] undefined To find that write this: 要找到这样写:

a = {};
a[true] === undefined // true

or simply: 或者干脆:

({})[true] === undefined // true

We know that !undefined is true . 我们知道!undefinedtrue

From @Benjamin Gruenbaum's answer : 来自@Benjamin Gruenbaum的回答

Chrome dveloper tools does the following : Chrome dveloper工具执行以下操作

  try {
      if (injectCommandLineAPI && inspectedWindow.console) {
          inspectedWindow.console._commandLineAPI = new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, isEvalOnCallFrame ? object : null);
          expression = "with ((window && window.console && window.console._commandLineAPI) || {}) {\n" + expression + "\n}";
      var result = evalFunction.call(object, expression);
      if (objectGroup === "console")
          this._lastResult = result;
      return result;
  finally {
      if (injectCommandLineAPI && inspectedWindow.console)
          delete inspectedWindow.console._commandLineAPI;

So basically, it performs a call on the object with the expression. 所以基本上,它使用表达式对对象执行call The expression being: 表达式为:

with ((window && window.console && window.console._commandLineAPI) || {}) {
    {}+{};// <-- This is your code

So, as you can see, the expression is being evaluted directly, without the wrapping parenthesis. 因此,正如您所看到的,表达式是直接评估的,没有包装括号。

More information can be found in this question . 可以在此问题中找到更多信息。

The answers here are good, here's a breakdown in pseudo-code: 这里的答案很好,这里是伪代码的细分:

  • {}['whatever'] = empty block, NewArray('whatever') = NewArray('whatever') {}['whatever'] =空块,NewArray('whatever')= NewArray('what')
  • {}[true] = empty block, NewArray(true) = NewArray(true) {}[true] =空块,NewArray(true)= NewArray(true)
  • !{}['whatever'] = LogicalNOT(convertToBool(NewObject.whatever)) = LogicalNOT(convertToBool(undefined)) = LogicalNOT(false) = true !{}['whatever'] = LogicalNOT(convertToBool(NewObject.whatever))= LogicalNOT(convertToBool(undefined))= LogicalNOT(false)= true
  • ({}['whatever']) = Grouping(NewObject.whatever) = Grouping(undefined) = undefined ({}['whatever']) =分组(NewObject.whatever)=分组(未定义)=未定义

This happens because {} in your meaning is not literal presentation of Object , but empty scope ( or empty code block ): 发生这种情况是因为你的意思中的{}不是Object文字表示,而是空范围(或空代码块):

{ var a = 1 }[true] // [true] (do the same thing)

It just evaluates code inside scope and then shows you your array. 它只是评估范围内的代码,然后显示您的数组。

And from your 从你的


Just converts to int this scope and return same array true. 只需将此范围转换为int并返回相同的数组即可。 There is no bool checks in this code. 此代码中没有bool检查。

And if you will try to check result from {}[true] you will get your false : 如果你试图检查{}[true]结果,你会得到你的false

{}[true] -> [true] -> ![true] -> false

As there is no more any scope. 因为没有任何范围。

So ! 所以! in your question do the same as: 在你的问题中做同样的事情:

!function() {
  • {} is an object with no properties. {}是一个没有属性的对象。
  • Since [] immediately follows an object, it means "Access a property of this name" and not "Create an array" 由于[]紧跟在一个对象之后,它意味着“访问此名称的属性”而不是“创建一个数组”
  • true is a boolean, but is being used as an property name so it is cast to a string ( "true" ) true是一个布尔值,但是被用作属性名称,因此它被强制转换为字符串( "true"
  • The object does not have a property called true (since it has no properties) so {}['true'] is undefined 该对象没有名为true的属性(因为它没有属性)所以{}['true']undefined
  • !undefined casts undefined to a boolean ( false ) !undefined蒙上undefined的布尔( false
  • The not operator turns false into true . not运算符将false变为true

You're not reversing the value of it. 你没有扭转它的价值。

![true] != [!true]

Check this out: Why is !true ? 看看这个: 为什么是真的? 'false' : 'true' returning 'true'? 'false':'true'返回'true'?

Let's Play a Little More! 让我们多玩一点吧!

First, let's have some fun!: 首先,让我们玩得开心!:

{}[true]; //[true]

var a = {}[true]; 
      console.log(a); //undefined

{ b: 12345 }[true]; //[true]

{ b: 12345 }["b"]; //evaluates to ["b"] ?!?

{ b: 12345 }.b; // "Unexpected token ."

({ b: 12345 }).b; //12345

var c = { b: 12345 }.b; 
      console.log(c); //12345

var c = { b: 12345 }["b"];
      console.log(c); //12345

{ true: 54321 }[true]; // "SyntaxError: Unexpected token : "

var d = { true: 54321 }[true]; //No error here ¬¬
      console.log(d); //54321

!{}[true]; // true

Ok, let's try to understand these crazy behaviors, one by one: 好吧,让我们一个接一个地尝试理解这些疯狂的行为:

1) Here, the {} is parsed as an empty code block. 1)这里, {}被解析为空代码块。 Without an assign, negation, grouping (with parentheses) or any syntax which indicates to the parser that this {} is an object literal, the default assumption is to think it is simply a useless empty block. 如果没有赋值,否定,分组(带括号)或任何语法向解析器指示此{}是对象文字,则默认的假设是认为它只是一个无用的空块。

This is a proof of this behavior: 这是此行为的证明:

{ alert(123) }[true]

The code above will show the alert normally, and will be evaluated as [true] , in the same way {}[true] is. 上面的代码将正常显示警报,并将以[true]形式进行评估,其方式与{}[true]相同。

Block Statements Without Semicolons 没有分号的阻止语句

A block-type statement doesn't need a semicolon after it. 块类型语句后面不需要分号。

For instance: 例如:

for(var i=0; i < 1; i++){}function a(){};alert("Passed here!");if(true){}alert("Passed here too!")

Both alerts are shown. 显示两个警报。

So, we can see that an empty block statement, without a semicolon, is valid and simply does nothing. 因此,我们可以看到没有分号的空块语句是有效的,并且什么都不做。 This way, when you enter {}[true] in the Developer Tools (or Firebug) Console, the evaluated value will be the value of the last expression statement . 这样,当您在Developer Tools(或Firebug)控制台中输入{}[true]时,评估的值将是最后一个表达式语句的值。 In this case, the last expression statement is [true] . 在这种情况下,最后一个表达式语句是[true]

2) In an assignment context, the parser will make sure that {} is an object literal. 2)在赋值上下文中,解析器将确保{}是对象文字。 When you do var a = {}[true] , you remove any ambiguity and tip the parser off that {} is not a block statement. 当你执行var a = {}[true] ,你会删除任何歧义并提示解析器{}不是块语句。
So, here, you're trying to get a value with a key "true" from an empty object. 所以,在这里,你试图从空对象中获取一个带有"true"键的值。 Obviously, there's no key-value pair with this key name. 显然,这个密钥名称没有键值对。 This way, the a variable is undefined. 这样,a变量是未定义的。

Reserved words as Object keys 保留字作为对象键

ECMAScript 5 allows object keys to be reserved words. ECMAScript 5允许对象键是保留字。 So, the following keys are legal: 因此,以下密钥是合法的:

var obj = {if: 111, for: 222, switch: 333, function: 444, true: 555}

3) The same explanation of example 1 . 3)与例1相同的解释。 But... If the { b: 12345 } part is treated as a block statement, what's the type of the b: 12345 statement?? 但是......如果将{ b: 12345 }部分视为块语句,那么b: 12345语句的类型是什么?

... (?????) ......(?????)

It's a label statement , you already saw it before... It's used in loops and in switch . 这是一个标签声明 ,您之前已经看过它......它用于循环和switch Here are a few interesting links about label statements: 1 , (2)[ Best way to break from nested loops in Javascript? 以下是一些关于标签语句的有趣链接: 1 ,(2)[ 在Javascript中打破嵌套循环的最佳方法? , (3)[ How to break nested loops in javascript? ,(3)[ 如何在javascript中打破嵌套循环? .

NOTE: Just try to evaluate this: 注意:试着评估一下:

{a: 1, b: 2} //=>>>SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

Label statements can't be separeted by the comma operator, you would need to separate them with a semicolon. 标签语句不能由逗号运算符分隔,您需要用分号分隔它们。 So this is valid: {a: 1; b: 2} 所以这是有效的: {a: 1; b: 2} {a: 1; b: 2}

4) See the explanations for the examples 1 and 3 ... 4)参见实施例13的解释......

5) One more time, we have a { b: 12345 } being treated as a code block, and you're trying to access a property of a code block by using the dot notation , and obviously, this is not allowed, and the parser throws an "Unexpected token :" exception. 5)再一次,我们将{ b: 12345 }视为代码块,并且您尝试使用点表示法来访问代码块的属性,显然,这是不允许的,并且解析器抛出"Unexpected token :"异常。

6) The code is almost identical to the above example, but by surrounding the { b: 12345 } statement with the expression grouping operator , the parser will know that is an object. 6)代码几乎与上面的例子相同,但是通过用表达式分组运算符包围{ b: 12345 }语句,解析器将知道它是一个对象。 This way, you'll be able to access the "b" property normally. 这样,您就可以正常访问"b"属性。

7) Remember the example 2 , we have an assignment here, the parser knows that { b: 12345 } is an object. 7)记住示例2 ,我们在这里有一个赋值,解析器知道{ b: 12345 }是一个对象。

8) Identical to the above example, but instead of the dot notation, here we're using the bracket notation . 8)与上面的例子相同,但不是点符号,这里我们使用括号表示法

9) I already said that this "identifier: value" syntax inside a block statement is a label. 9)我已经说过块语句中的这个"identifier: value"语法是一个标签。 But, you also have to know that a label name can't be a reserved keyword (the opposite of object property names). 但是,您还必须知道标签名称不能是保留关键字(与对象属性名称相反)。 When we tried to define a label called "true" , we got a SyntaxError . 当我们尝试定义一个名为"true"的标签时,我们得到了一个SyntaxError

10) Again, we're dealing with an object. 10)同样,我们正在处理一个对象。 No problems using reserved words here. 这里使用保留字没问题。 =) =)

11) Finally, we have this: !{}[true] 11)最后,我们有: !{}[true]

Let's separate the things here: 让我们分开这里的事情:

a) By doing a negation, we're informing to the parser that the {} is an object . a)通过做出否定,我们通知解析器{}一个对象

b) As shown in the example 2 , a {} object doesn't have a property called true , so this expression will evaluate to undefined . b)如示例2所示, {}对象没有名为true的属性,因此该表达式将计算为undefined

c) The final result is the negation of undefined value. c)最终结果是否定undefined值。 Javascript performs implicity type conversion , and undefined value is falsy . Javascript执行隐含类型转换undefined值是伪造的

d) So, the negation of false is... true ! d)所以,对false的否定是...... true

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