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Django 发送带有图像的 HTML 电子邮件

[英]Django Sending HTML Email with Images

I am trying to send an HTML email with images from django 1.3 but my Images are not loading.我正在尝试使用 django 1.3 中的图像发送 HTML 电子邮件,但我的图像未加载。 Following is my view.py以下是我的view.py

email_data = {
# Summary data
email_data = RequestContext(request, email_data)
t = get_template('user_email.html')
content = t.render(email_data)
msg = EmailMessage(subject='User Email', content, 'admin@company.com', ['user@gmail.com'])
msg.content_subtype = "html"

My template('user_email.html') looks like following我的模板('user_email.html')如下所示

Hello {{user_name}},
Your point score is: {{points}}
Thank you for using our app.
<img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}images/footer.jpg" alt="" />

The image is place inside the static/image folder of my app folder.该图像位于我的应用程序文件夹的 static/image 文件夹中。 But when email is received it is without the image.但是当收到电子邮件时,它没有图像。

In my settings.py, I have following在我的 settings.py 中,我有以下内容

STATIC_URL = '/static/'

Kindly respond what I am missing?请回答我缺少什么?


As mentioned by roam you are missing the hostname+port.正如漫游所提到的,您缺少主机名+端口。

For those who are using Django's allauth package for authentication ( https://www.djangopackages.com/packages/p/django-allauth/ ), you can simply use {{site}}, eg:对于那些使用 Django 的 allauth 包进行身份验证的人( https://www.djangopackages.com/packages/p/django-allauth/ ),您可以简单地使用 {{site}},例如:

<img src="{{site}}{{ STATIC_URL }}images/footer.jpg" alt="" />

Or better yet, using the %static annotation:或者更好的是,使用 %static 注释:

{% load static %}
<img src="{{site}}{% static 'images/footer.jpg' %}" alt="" />

You'll need to specify the full STATIC_URL , eg http://localhost:8000/static/ .您需要指定完整的STATIC_URL ,例如http://localhost:8000/static/ Right now the message points to /static/images/footer.jpg which is not a valid URL.现在消息指向/static/images/footer.jpg这不是一个有效的 URL。

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