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[英]How do I redirect stdout from one process to be read as file descriptor 3 in another?

I want to redirect (stdout,stderr) from one process to (stdin,file descriptor 3) of another. 我想将(stdout,stderr)从一个进程重定向到另一进程的(stdin,文件描述符3)。 How do I do that? 我怎么做?

For example, if I have myscript.sh : 例如,如果我有myscript.sh

# myscript.sh
echo "stdout"
echo "stderr" >&2

And reader.sh : reader.sh

# reader.sh
read key
echo "stdin: $key"
read key <&3
echo "fd3: $key"

How do I pipe the output of myscript.sh to reader.sh such that the final output is: 我如何将myscript.sh的输出通过管道reader.shreader.sh这样最终输出为:

stdin: stdout
fd3: stderr

The closest I've gotten is: 我得到的最接近的是:

./myscript.sh 2>&3 | ./reader.sh

But that hangs waiting for input (from fd 3) 但这挂起等待输入(来自fd 3)

I would do this with a named pipe: 我将使用命名管道来执行此操作:

mkfifo err 
./myscript.sh 2>err | ./reader.sh 3<err

Doing 2>&3 in your attempt just sends stderr to wherever the parent shell has 3 pointed, and will fail if you haven't already opened 3 in that shell. 尝试执行2>&3只会将stderr发送到父shell指向3的任何位置,如果您尚未在该shell中打开3,它将失败。 It doesn't do any good for the reader shell's 3; 这对阅读器外壳的3并没有任何好处。 even if inherited, it would be as a write fd, not a read one. 即使是继承的,也将是写fd,而不是读fd。


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