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[英]Reduce but not increase background size

background: #344b68 url(../../data/img/template/background.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
-webkit-background-size: cover; 
-moz-background-size: cover;    
-o-background-size: cover;      
background-size: cover;         

Hello once again Stackoverflow, I have the following question. 您好,我再次Stackoverflow,我有以下问题。

Background.jpg is my websites background picture, wich is in 1080p resolution (1920x1080). Background.jpg是我的网站背景图片,分辨率为1080p (1920x1080)。 On the border of the image, it fades to #344b68 . 在图像的边界上,它渐#344b68#344b68

Viewing this on a 720p monitor will cause the picture to reduce in size using background-size: cover but this will also be increased when viewing this on for example 1440p resolutions. 720p监视器上观看该照片会导致使用background-size: cover缩小图片background-size: cover但是在以1440p分辨率观看时,该background-size: cover也会增加。

Now what I want to do is when it's a 720p monitor reduce the image' dimensions with background-size: cover to fit, but when its above 1080p , it stays the same dimentions and just fades in with the static background color ( #344b68 ). 现在我想做的是当它是720p显示器时,以background-size: cover减小图像background-size: cover以适合,但当其高于1080p ,它保持不变的background-size: cover ,并且仅以静态背景#344b68#344b68 ) 。

How can I do this, preferibly without JS? 我该如何做,最好是没有JS?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

This looks like a job for Media Queries ! 这看起来像是媒体查询的工作! These are a CSS3 feature that let you specify code to only activate when certain conditions are met. 这些是CSS3功能,可让您指定仅在满足某些条件时激活的代码。 In your case, you want to query the window width: 您要查询的窗口宽度:

/* normal styles */
.item-with-background {
    background-size: contain;

/* overrides when screen is 720px wide or smaller */
@media screen and (max-width: 720px) {
    .item-with-background {
        background-size: cover;

Note: Media queries are supported in basically all the browsers (including mobile) except IE 6/7/8. 注意:除了IE 6/7/8之外,基本上所有浏览器(包括移动设备)都支持媒体查询。 If you REALLY need to have media queries in use in those browsers, there are some polyfills that hack-in that ability. 如果您确实需要在这些浏览器中使用媒体查询, 则可以使用某些polyfill来破解该功能。

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