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如何<a>使用javascript</a>读取html“ <a>”标签中的</a>所有href链接

[英]How to read all href link in html “<a>” tag using javascript

I need to get all href link values using javascript. 我需要使用javascript获取所有href链接值。 I have this code, 我有这个代码,

<body onload="myFunction()">
<div class="pull-right">
    <a class="download-link" id="download_link" href="%file_url%">Download</a>

It shows like this 它显示像这样

<a class="download-link" href="http://mysite.com/download/myfiles/file1.pdf">Download</a>
<a class="download-link" href="http://mysite.com/download/myfiles/file2.docx">Download</a>
<a class="download-link" href="http://mysite.com/download/myfiles/file3.zip">Download</a>
<a class="download-link" href="http://mysite.com/download/myfiles/file4.html">Download</a>

but if I used a native javascript like on the code below, only the first item is shown. 但如果我在下面的代码中使用了原生的javascript,则只会显示第一个项目。

<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction()
var url = document.getElementById("download_link").href;
var ext = url.split('.').pop();

Why I'm getting only one output when I used a javascript to display the items? 当我使用javascript显示项目时,为什么我只获得一个输出? I tested it using their file extensions since I splitted the files. 我使用他们的文件扩展名测试了它,因为我拆分了文件。 Any Idea What is missing on the javascript? 任何想法javascript上缺少什么? I just want to continuously display(Alert) the items. 我只是想连续显示(提醒)项目。 My problem is, It only display the first item. 我的问题是,它只显示第一项。

You can get a NodeList of all a elements using document.getElementsByTagName . 你可以得到一个NodeList所有的a使用元素document.getElementsByTagName That list has a length , and you can index into it with [] . 该列表有一个length ,您可以使用[]索引它。 Eg: 例如:

var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var i;
for (i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
    // Do something with links[i].href

On modern browsers , if you wanted to limit that further (for instance, only links with the download-link class on them), you can use querySelectorAll , which accepts a CSS selector: 现代浏览器中 ,如果你想进一步限制它(例如,只有链接带有download-linkdownload-link ),你可以使用querySelectorAll ,它接受一个CSS选择器:

var links = document.querySelectorAll('a.download-link');
// ...and then use it the same way as above

You're fetching only one element with a specific ID. 您只获取一个具有特定ID的元素。 You need to get all anchor elements 你需要获得所有锚元素

function myFunction()
    var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
        var url = anchors[i].href;

document.getElementById() returns the object for a single unique element identified by an id attribute. document.getElementById()返回由id属性标识的单个唯一元素的对象。 You are looking to get all the objects that share a common class and for that you'll need something like document.getElementsByTagName() . 您希望获得共享一个公共class所有对象,并且您需要像document.getElementsByTagName()这样的东西。

getElementById() retrieves only one object as there can be only one object with a given id . getElementById()只检索一个对象,因为只能有一个具有给定id对象。 But none of those have ids to begin with. 但是没有一个有ids开始。

You can use getElementsByTagName('a') as already suggested, but that would retrieve a list of all a tags in the page and aparently that is not what you really want. 您可以使用getElementsByTagName('a')作为已经建议,但会检索所有的列表a页面中的标签和aparently,是不是你真正想要的。

I guess you should go with the third option getElementsByClassName() : 我想你应该使用第三个选项getElementsByClassName()

var objs = document.getElementsByClassName('download-link');
var links = [];

for (var i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i)
    links[i] = objs[i].href;


You can call the array method map on the document.links collection. 您可以在document.links集合上调用数组方法映射

The String value of a link element its url. 链接元素的String值为其url。

var hrefs= [].map.call(document.links,String);

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