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[英]Function that return a list of IP addresses for a given IP adress and subnetmask

I need help in writing a function in C/C++ that receives two parameters: IP address and subnetmask . 在用C / C ++编写一个接收两个参数的函数时,我需要帮助: IP地址subnetmask

The function needs to reutrn a list of all IP addresses that are in the associated network. 该功能需要重新列出关联网络中所有IP地址的列表。

For example: Given two parameters: IP address = and mask = the function will return a list that contain the IP's to 例如:给定两个参数: IP地址 =和mask =,该函数将返回一个列表,其中包含IP的192.168.33.65至192.168.33.126。

1) first you can transform the ipaddress and the subnetmask from string format to binary format with inet_pton() . 1)首先,您可以使用inet_pton()ipaddresssubnetmask从字符串格式转换为二进制格式。

2) make a check on the subnetmask mask it should be a valid subnet mask 2)检查subnetmask掩码,它应该是有效的子网掩码

3) get the subnetmask inverse value ( ~subnetmask ) 3)获取subnetmask逆值( ~subnetmask

4) 4)

for (i=1; i<(~subnetmask); i++) {

    ip = ipaddress & (subnetmask + i);

    //append ip to your ip list


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