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[英]Access address of pointer in pointer-to-pointer array

4I am trying to get a pointer address from a pointer to a pointer array, however I just get garbage when I run the code below. 4我试图从指向指针数组的指针获取指针地址,但是当我运行下面的代码时,我只会得到垃圾。 How do I retrieve the pointer address of one of the char * from the char ** array? 如何从char **数组中检索char *之一的指针地址? Thanks for checking this out. 感谢您对此进行检查。

Specifically, I want to obtain the address of "wh" via "what" and assign it to "hi". 具体来说,我想通过“ what”获取“ wh”的地址并将其分配给“ hi”。

char * hi;
char * wh;
char ** what;

int main(void) {
    char z[4] = "wx\0";
    char a[4] = "ab\0";
    hi = &z;
    wh = &a;
    what = (char **) malloc( 25 * sizeof(char));
    what[0] = &hi;
    what[1] = &wh;

    printf("%s | %s\n", hi, wh);

    hi = &what[1];

    printf("%s | %s\n", hi, wh);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Corrected code: 更正的代码:

#include <stdio.h>
char * hi;
char * wh;
char ** what;

int main(void) {
    char z[3] = "wx\0";
    char a[3] = "ab\0";
    hi = z;
    wh = a;
    what = malloc(2 * sizeof *what);
    what[0] = hi;
    what[1] = wh;

    printf("%s | %s\n", hi, wh);

    hi = what[1];

    printf("%s | %s\n", hi, wh);

    return 0;

The type of hi and wh is not the same as of &z and &a , even though they should yield the same value. hiwh的类型&z&a ,即使它们应产生相同的值。 Also you want what[1] in hi not the value of the memory location where it is. 另外,您不希望hi what[1]是它所在的存储位置的值。 Also, in C you do not need to cast the return of malloc. 另外,在C中,您无需强制转换malloc的返回值。 However, in C++ the cast is required although its better to use the new operator. 但是,在C ++中,尽管更好地使用new运算符,但仍需要强制转换。

Pointer Assignment 指针分配

  • hi and wh are defined as pointer to char . hiwh被定义为指向char的指针 So, change your assignment statements 因此,请更改您的工作分配表

    from, 从,

     hi = &z; /* Type of &z is pointer-to-array-of-4-char */ wh = &a; /* Type of &a is pointer-to-array-of-4-char */ 

    to, 至,

     hi = z; /* Type of z is pointer-to-char. Array name, here, decays into pointer to first element of the array */ wh = a; /* Type of a is pointer-to-char */ 

  • what is defined as type, pointer to pointer to char . what被定义为类型, 指针指向char。 So, change your malloc statement 因此,更改您的malloc语句

    from, 从,

     what = (char **) malloc( 25 * sizeof(char)); /* what needs to hold char*'s, you have allocated only for char's */ 

    to, 至,

     what = malloc(25 * sizeof *what); /* what is of type char**. *what gives you char* */ 

  • Also, change your what , hi assignment statements 另外,更改您的whathi赋值语句

    from, 从,

     what[0] = &hi; /* Type of what[0] is pointer-to-char; Type of &hi is pointer-to-pointer-to-char */ what[1] = &wh; /* Type of what[1] is pointer-to-char; Type of &wh is pointer-to-pointer-to-char */ ... hi = &what[1]; /* Type of hi is pointer-to-char; Type of &what[1] is pointer-to-pointer-to-char */ 

    to , 至 ,

     what[0] = hi; /* Types are same */ what[1] = wh; /* Types are same */ ... hi = what[1]; /* Types are same */ 

Note: The size of what is too high than what really required for the posted program. 注:大小what比真正需要的发布程序过高。 If you feel, you are going to have the same program, modify 25 to 2 in the malloc . 如果您有相同的程序,请在malloc中将25修改为2

char * hi;
char * wh;
char ** what;

int main(void) {
    char z[4] = "wx\0";
    char a[4] = "ab\0";
    hi = &z;
    wh = &a;

First mistake; 第一个错误; the types of the expressions &z and &a are both char (*)[4] (pointer to 4-element array of char ), not char * . 表达式&z&a类型均为char (*)[4] (指向char 4元素数组的指针),而不是char * To fix this, drop the & from both: 要解决此问题,请同时删除&

    hi = z;
    wh = a;

Except when it is the operand of the sizeof or unary & operators, or is a string literal being used to initialize an array, an expression of type "N-element array of T " will be converted ("decay") to an expression of type "pointer to T ", and the value of the expression is the address of the first element in the array. 除非它是sizeof或一元&运算符的操作数,或者是用于初始化数组的字符串文字,否则类型“ N的T元素数组”的表达式将被转换(“ decay”)为键入“指向T指针”,表达式的值就是数组中第一个元素的地址。

    what = (char **) malloc( 25 * sizeof(char));

Don't cast the result of malloc ; 不要转换malloc的结果; it isn't necessary 1 , and depending on the compiler version it can suppress a useful diagnostic. 不必要1 ,并且根据编译器版本,它可以抑制有用的诊断。 You also have a type mismatch. 您也有类型不匹配。 You want to space for 25 pointers to char , but you're only allocating enough for 25 plain char s. 您想为char分配25个指针,但是您只分配了25个char Rewrite that as 重写为

    what = malloc( sizeof *what * 25 );

The type of the expression what is char ** ; 类型表达的whatchar ** ; thus, the type of the expression *what is char * . 因此,表达式*whatchar * So sizeof *what will give you the same result as sizeof (char *) . 所以sizeof *what的结果与sizeof (char *)结果相同。 The above line allocates enough memory to store 25 pointers to char , and assigns the resulting pointer to what . 上一行分配了足够的内存来存储25个指向char指针,并将结果指针分配给what

    what[0] = &hi;
    what[1] = &wh;

Again, drop the & ; 同样,删除& ; hi and wh are already pointers to char : hiwh已经是char指针:

    what[0] = hi;
    what[1] = wh;

    printf("%s | %s\n", hi, wh);

    hi = &what[1];

Type mismatch; 类型不匹配; &what[1] has type char ** , hi has type char * . &what[1]类型为char **hi类型为char * Again, drop the & . 同样,删除&

    hi = what[1];

hi and wh now point to the same thing ( what[1] == wh and hi == what[1] , so hi == wh ; that is, both hi and wh contain the same pointer value). hiwh现在指向同一事物( what[1] == whhi == what[1] ,所以hi == wh ;也就是说, hiwh包含相同的指针值)。

    printf("%s | %s\n", hi, wh);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


1. In C, that is; 1.在C中,即; C++ is a different story, but if you're writing C++, you shouldn't be using malloc anyway. C ++是另一回事,但是如果您正在编写C ++,则无论如何都不应使用malloc

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