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Tomcat context.xml 文件,有层次吗?

[英]Tomcat context.xml files, is there a hierarchy?

I am trying to use symbolic links in one of the applications I have running on Tomcat5.我试图在我在 Tomcat5 上运行的应用程序之一中使用符号链接。 Thanks to some help from another StackOverflow question I was able to do it by creating a context.xml file in感谢另一个 StackOverflow 问题的帮助,我能够通过在

/...myapplication/META-INF/context.xml /...myapplication/META-INF/context.xml

I am now trying to implement this on a production server.我现在正在尝试在生产服务器上实现这一点。 However, there are other applications running on it.但是,还有其他应用程序在其上运行。 And there is another context file还有另一个上下文文件

/...tomcat/conf/context.xml /...tomcat/conf/context.xml

It seems to me these are setting configurations server-wide to all applications.在我看来,这些是为所有应用程序设置服务器范围的配置。 If I allowLinks in the conf/context.xml file, my symbolic links work.如果我在 conf/context.xml 文件中允许链接,我的符号链接就起作用了。 If I don't allowLinks in conf/context.xml, my application's symbolic links do not work, even though I have allowed them in the META-INF/context.xml如果我不允许 conf/context.xml 中的链接,即使我在 META-INF/context.xml 中允许它们,我的应用程序的符号链接也不起作用

My question is, does the conf/context.xml control all applications?我的问题是,conf/context.xml 是否控制所有应用程序? If I want symbolic links to work only in one application, do I need to remove the conf/context.xml and create new context files for each application?如果我希望符号链接仅在一个应用程序中工作,是否需要删除 conf/context.xml 并为每个应用程序创建新的上下文文件? Or is there a way I can allow symbolic links in myapplication only?或者有没有办法只允许我的应用程序中的符号链接?

See my answer to the " Which Tomcat 5 context file takes precedence " question.请参阅对“ 哪个 Tomcat 5 上下文文件优先”问题的回答。

Regarding your specific allowLinks question, the value in conf/context.xml takes precedence by default.关于您的具体allowLinks问题,默认情况下conf/context.xml的值优先。 If you say nothing in your conf/context.xml , the default value is allowLinks="false" in your conf/context.xml .如果你说没有在你的conf/context.xml ,默认值是allowLinks="false"在你的conf/context.xml

If you want to change it only for your myapplication , trying to say <Context allowLinks="true" ...> in your META-INF/context.xml will have no effect because normally the conf/context.xml setting will take precedence.如果您只想为您的myapplication更改它,尝试在您的META-INF/context.xml<Context allowLinks="true" ...>将不起作用,因为通常conf/context.xml设置将优先.

But, if you say <Context allowLinks="true" override="true" ...> in your META-INF/context.xml , then all your <Context> settings in META-INF/context.xml will be highest precedence, overriding anything in conf/context.xml .但是,如果您在META-INF/context.xml<Context allowLinks="true" override="true" ...> ,那么您在META-INF/context.xml所有<Context>设置都将是最高优先级,覆盖conf/context.xml任何内容。

Finally, instead of a myapplication/WEB-INF/context.xml file, I recommend using a conf/Catalina/localhost/myapplication.xml file.最后,我建议使用conf/Catalina/localhost/myapplication.xml文件,而不是myapplication/WEB-INF/context.xml文件。 This technique means you can keep the contents of your WEB-INF clean, which is the guts of your webapp -- I don't like to risk mucking about in the guts of my webapp.这种技术意味着您可以保持 WEB-INF 的内容干净,这是您的 web 应用程序的内脏——我不喜欢冒险在我的 web 应用程序内脏。 :-) :-)

Just to add a point.只是补充一点。

Usually th meta-inf/context.xml is copied to the conf/Catalina/localhost/myapplication.xml通常将 meta-inf/context.xml 复制到 conf/Catalina/localhost/myapplication.xml

When redploying a war file the conf/Catalina/localhost/myapplication.xml is deleted and a new one copied in as described above.当重新部署一个 war 文件时,conf/Catalina/localhost/myapplication.xml 被删除,并如上所述复制一个新的。

This can be a real pain.这可能是一个真正的痛苦。 I like the idea of application specific context but I fail to see how having this in the meta-inf directory helps.我喜欢应用程序特定上下文的想法,但我看不出在 meta-inf 目录中有什么帮助。

For Prod, UAT, etc this becomes a real pain.对于 Prod、UAT 等来说,这真的很痛苦。

So for anything server static but application specific it is better to put it in the conf/context.xml.因此,对于任何服务器静态但特定于应用程序的内容,最好将其放在 conf/context.xml 中。 Which has the negative that it holds context for several applications, touch one you inadvertently touch them all.其不利之处在于它包含多个应用程序的上下文,触摸一个您会不经意间触摸它们。

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