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[英]python same module in different file

I have a MVC project and I would to import my module like that: 我有一个MVC项目,我会像那样导入我的模块:

 import projet

 view = projet.view()

 controller = projet.controller()

 model = project.model()

but, I'd like that controller(), model() and view() are in different files. 但是,我希望控制器(),model()和view()在不同的文件中。 How to do a module (project) but with different file in without import the other files after? 如何做一个模块(项目),但有不同的文件,而不导入其他文件后?

Create directory named project , create file __init__.py in this dir, put there code: 在这个目录中创建名为project目录,创建文件__init__.py ,放在那里代码:

from view import *
from controller import *
from model import *

To the same dir put your view.py , controller.py , model.py 对于同一个目录放置你的view.pycontroller.pymodel.py

When you do 当你这样做

import project

all other imports would be done automatically (from __init__.py ). 所有其他导入将自动完成(来自__init__.py )。 This is called packages (directory project will become package name, packages are detected by existence of __init__.py ). 这称为包(目录project将成为包名,通过__init__.py存在检测包)。

Further reading: http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/pytut/Packages.html 进一步阅读: http//www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/pytut/Packages.html

You could make a project.py file that looks like this: 你可以制作一个看起来像这样的project.py文件:

from viewModule import view
from controllerModule import controller
from modelModule import model

Then your above code should work 那么你的上面的代码应该工作

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