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Ruby on Rails MySQL搜索

[英]Ruby on rails mysql searches

I am totally new to Ruby on Rails and I am trying to search through some relational database tables, I am trying to search for a given ID number in a Customer table then from the results look at who the sales_rep for that customer is. 我对Ruby on Rails完全陌生,我试图搜索一些关系数据库表,试图在Customer表中搜索给定的ID号,然后从结果中查看该客户的sales_rep是谁。 With this 有了这个

@salesrepcust = Customer.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ?",@data])

I am able to get back the correct customer given there ID number but I dont see how in ruby on rails to then pull from those results just one column value, in this it would be the value for sales_rep, and then use that as my @result for 给定ID号,我能够找回正确的客户,但我看不到如何在ruby on rails上从这些结果中仅提取一列值,在这种情况下,它将是sales_rep的值,然后将其用作我的@结果

@salesrepcustdata = Salesrep.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ?", @result])

I have searched for this but i guess im not wording it correctly because i am not able to find anything specifically on this, can anyone help? 我已经搜索过此内容,但我想我的措词不正确,因为我无法找到与此相关的任何内容,有人可以帮忙吗?

Assuming the sales rep is represented in the Customer table as sales_rep_id you can just do: 假设销售代表在“ Customer表中表示为sales_rep_id ,则可以执行以下操作:


The find method assumes you're looking for id and if there's just one item with that id , there's no need to specify :all . find方法假定您正在寻找id并且如果只有一个具有该id项目,则无需指定:all

This is all discussed in http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html 有关全部内容,请参见http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html

That Customer query could be simplified to just: 该客户查询可以简化为:

@customer = Customer.find(@data)

You don't mention if you've setup a relationship between Customer and Salesrep but here goes: 您没有提及是否已在Customer和Salesrep之间建立了关系,但是这里有:

# app/models/customer.rb
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :salesrep, class_name: 'Salesrep' # => the customers table should have a salesrep_id column

# app/models/salesrep.rb
class Salesrep < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :customers

customer_id = 1
@customer = Customer.find(customer_id)
@salesrep = @customer.salesrep

# from the other way, assuming you need both the salesrep and customer:
salesrep_id = 10
@salesrep = Salesrep.find(salesrep_id)
# the following will only find the customer if it's owned by the Salesrep
@customer = @salesrep.customers.find(customer_id)

It's pretty straightforward to select a single column; 选择单个列非常简单; you can try something like this: 您可以尝试这样的事情:

@salesrepcustids = Customer.where(id: @data).select(:id)

This will generate a SELECT id FROM ... statement. 这将生成SELECT id FROM ...语句。

And now you can do this: 现在您可以执行以下操作:

@salesrepcustdata = Salesrep.where(id: @salesrepcustids)

This will generate an SELECT...IN statement with those ids. 这将生成带有这些ID的SELECT...IN语句。

(You might find it easier to set up proper ActiveRecord has_many and belongs_to relationships in your models, or whatever relationship is appropriate.) (您可能会发现在模型中建立适当的ActiveRecord has_manybelongs_to关系,或任何适当的关系会更容易。)

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