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在 Django 模板中按键访问字典

[英]Accessing dictionary by key in Django template

I'm passing a dictionary from my view to a template.我正在将字典从我的视图传递到模板。 So {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"} is passed in and looping through key,value pairs is fine, however I've not found an elegant solution from access directly in the view from a specific key, say "key1" for example bu json.items["key1"].所以{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}被传入并循环通过键,值对很好,但是我没有找到一个优雅的解决方案,可以从特定键直接在视图中访问,例如 bu json.items["key1"] 说"key1" ”。 I could use some if/then statements, but I'd rather do directly is there a way?我可以使用一些 if/then 语句,但我宁愿直接做有没有办法?

Here is looping code in the html template:这是html模板中的循环代码:

{% for key, value in json.items %} 
  <li>{{key}} - {{value}}</li>
 {% endfor %}

The Django template language supports looking up dictionary keys as follows: Django 模板语言支持查找字典键,如下所示:

{{ json.key1 }}

See the template docs on variables and lookups .请参阅有关变量和查找的模板文档。

The template language does not provide a way to display json[key] , where key is a variable.模板语言不提供显示json[key]的方法,其中key是一个变量。 You can write a template filter to do this, as suggested in the answers to this Stack Overflow question .您可以编写一个模板过滤器来执行此操作,正如Stack Overflow question的答案中所建议的那样。

As @Alasdair suggests, you can use a template filter.正如@Alasdair 建议的那样,您可以使用模板过滤器。 In your templatetags directory, create the following file dict_key.py :在您的templatetags目录中,创建以下文件dict_key.py

from django.template.defaultfilters import register

def dict_key(d, k):
    '''Returns the given key from a dictionary.'''
    return d[k]

Then, in your HTML, you can write:然后,在您的 HTML 中,您可以编写:

{% for k in json.items %} 
  <li>{{ k }} - {{ json.items|dict_key:k }}</li>
{% endfor %}

For example, to send the below dictionary dict = {'name':'myname','number':'mynumber'}例如,要发送以下字典dict = {'name':'myname','number':'mynumber'}

views : return render(request, self.template_name, {'dict': dict})意见: return render(request, self.template_name, {'dict': dict})

To render the value in html template: <p>{{ dict.name }}</p>在 html 模板中渲染值: <p>{{ dict.name }}</p>

It prints 'myname'它打印'myname'

To overcome this problem you could try something like this:为了克服这个问题,你可以尝试这样的事情:

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
    context['cart'] = []
    cart = Cart()
    cart.name = book.name
    cart.author = book.author.name
    cart.publisher = book.publisher.name
    cart.price = 123
    cart.discount = 12
    cart.total = 100
    return context

class Cart(object):
    Cart Template class

    This is a magic class, having attributes
    name, author, publisher, price, discount, total, image
    You can add other attributes on the fly

By this way you can access your cart something like this:
{% for item in cart %}
    <div class="jumbotron">
    <img src="{{item.image}}" />
    <div class="book_name"> <b>{{item.name}}</b></div>
    <div class="book_by"><i>{{item.author}}</i></div>
    <span>Rs. {{item.price}}</span> <i>{{item.discount}}% OFF </i>
    <b>Rs. {{item.total}}</b>
{% endfor %}

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