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[英]segfault in merge sort implementation

I'm working on a C implementation as an exercise (I'm a student). 我正在研究C实现作为练习(我是学生)。 I have the logic fine (I've used the implementation itself before), but I get a segfault when actually running it. 我的逻辑很好(我以前使用过它自己的实现),但是在实际运行时我遇到了段错误。 I've looked for a long time, and I can't understand what's causing it. 我已经找了很久,我无法理解是什么造成的。 Here is my complete code: 这是我的完整代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


void do_sort(int* list); 
void merge_sort(int* list_of, int* buffer_of, int start, int end); 

void do_sort(int* list)
    int capacity = ((ARRAY_CAPACITY) / 2); 
    int buffer[capacity];
    merge_sort(list, buffer, 0, ARRAY_CAPACITY);   

void merge_sort(int* list_of, int* buffer_of, int start, int end)
    printf("%s", "hi!");
    int i, t; 
    if((end - start) < 2) return; 
    int mid = (start + end) / 2;

    merge_sort(list_of, buffer_of, start, mid); 
    merge_sort(list_of, buffer_of, mid, end);   

    int left = 0; 
    int right = mid; 

    for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_CAPACITY; i++)
        buffer_of[i] = list_of[i]; 

    for(t = start; t < end; t++)
        if((left < (mid - start)) && (right == end || buffer_of[left] < list_of[right]))
            list_of[t] = buffer_of[left];

            list_of[t] = list_of[right]; 

int main()
    int number_array[ARRAY_CAPACITY]; 
    int i; 
    for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_CAPACITY; i++)
        number_array[i] = (rand() % 100); 
    printf("%d\n", number_array[3]); 

    int j, m;  

    printf("%s\n", "Pre-Sorted Array: "); 
    for(j = 0; j < ARRAY_CAPACITY; j++)
        printf("%d ", number_array[j]); 

    for(m = 0; m < ARRAY_CAPACITY; m++)
        printf("%d ", number_array[m]); 

The output is as follows: 输出如下:

50 (this is a random number, but it always prints successfully)
Pre-Sorted Array: 
Segmentation fault

So the segfault triggers when I try to loop to print the pre sorted array, but I've just proven that the array values were properly set, so I can't fathom this error. 因此,当我尝试循环打印预排序数组时,会触发段错误,但我刚刚证明数组值已正确设置,因此我无法理解此错误。 Help? 救命?

You have the following code: 您有以下代码:

void merge_sort(int* list_of, int* buffer_of, int start, int end)
    for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_CAPACITY; i++)
        buffer_of[i] = list_of[i]; 

That code will get called, at one point, with the following arguments: 一次使用以下参数调用该代码:

  • list_of is an array of 50 integers. list_of是一个包含50个整数的数组。
  • buffer_of is an array of 25 integers. buffer_of是一个包含25个整数的数组。
  • start is 0. start是0。
  • end is 50. end是50。

You will copy 50 elements of list_of into buffer_of , but buffer_of has only room for 25 elements. 您将list_of 50个元素复制到buffer_of ,但buffer_of只有25个元素的空间。

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