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[英]Alternate command for passenger start

I have changed my Apache2 port from 80 to 3001 我已经将Apache2端口从80更改为3001

now when i start my rails app i use 现在,当我启动我的Rails应用程序时,我使用

rvmsudo rails server -p 80

but I want to run my rails app in passenger nginx that I have already installed. 但是我想在已经安装的乘客nginx中运行我的Rails应用程序。 i tried the following but not working 我尝试了以下但无法正常工作

1. rvmsudo passenger start -a -p 80 -e development
2. rvmsudo passenger start -p 80
3. sudo passenger start -e development -p 80

So please let me know what the exact thing i have to do to run my app on port 80 using passenger Thnaks in Advance! 因此,请让我知道使用提前乘客Thnaks在80端口上运行我的应用程序的确切操作!

You should use Phusion Passenger's Nginx integration mode . 您应该使用Phusion Passenger的Nginx集成模式 The passenger command only gives you access to the Standalone mode. passenger命令仅使您可以进入独立模式。 For more information about the differences between the Nginx integration mode and the Standalone mode, see http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide.html . 有关Nginx集成模式和独立模式之间差异的更多信息,请参见http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide.html

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