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[英]R: RJDBC: use dbWriteTable with db2 to specify field types

I am trying to write an R data frame to a table in a db2 data base. 我试图将R数据帧写入db2数据库中的表。 Does anyone know what additional argument I supply to the function dbWriteTable in order to specify the field types of the columns? 有谁知道我提供给函数dbWriteTable附加参数以指定列的字段类型?

I found this similar question: RMySQL dbWriteTable with field.types , however, the solution doesn't seem to hold for db2. 我发现了一个类似的问题:具有field.types的RMySQL dbWriteTable ,但是,该解决方案似乎不适用于db2。

Cheers 干杯

You can't supply fields types using dbWriteTable . 您不能使用dbWriteTable提供字段类型。 JDBC is designed to hold many data bases, so it has a minimal data types mapping : JDBC旨在容纳许多数据库,因此它具有最少的数据类型映射:

   integer --> INTEGER
   numeric --> DOUBLE PRECISION
   else    --> VARCHAR(255)

You should create you table using some sql request. 您应该使用一些sql请求创建表。

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