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按下Enter时,jQuery EasyUI dataGrid保存

[英]jQuery EasyUI dataGrid save when enter pressed

I have a EasyUI propertyGrid (which inherits dataGrid) with a few rows. 我有一个带有几行的EasyUI propertyGrid(继承了dataGrid)。 I need that when user is editing a text field, when enter is pressed, editing is finished and onAfterEdit is called. 我需要当用户正在编辑文本字段时,在按Enter键时,编辑完成,并调用onAfterEdit。 EasyUI does not do this by default! EasyUI默认不执行此操作! Any solution? 有什么办法吗?

I had the same problem with treegrid, so i think you can use this code with propertyGrid also: 我在treegrid上遇到了同样的问题,所以我认为您也可以在propertyGrid中使用此代码:

    onDblClickRow: function(row){
            if (editingId != undefined){
                $('#arbol_eui').treegrid('select', editingId);

            if (row){
                editingId = row.id;
                pos = row.id;
                $('#arbol_eui').treegrid('beginEdit', editingId);
            var ed = $(this).treegrid('getEditor',

            $(ed.target).focus().select().bind('keyup', function(e) 
                var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
                if(code == 13) { //Enter keycode
                  //Trigger code to save row
                                      //This executes onAfterEdit event code
                  var t = $('#arbol_eui'); //My treegrid selector
                              t.treegrid('endEdit', editingId);
                              editingId = undefined; //editingId is a global var


The key is to bind jquery event 'keyup' to the textbox editor for the cell at the 'onDblClickRow' event that also starts editing the row 关键是将'onDblClickRow'事件的单元格的jquery事件'keyup'绑定到该单元的文本框编辑器,该事件也将开始编辑行

Good luck 祝好运


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