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[英]Download XML File From Oracle Database

I Have save my XML file to oracle database successful with C#.Net 4 and now i would like to download that file, here is the code: 我已经用C#.Net 4将XML文件成功保存到oracle数据库中,现在我想下载该文件,这里是代码:

    public bool DwndData(object id, out DataTable data, out string message)
        _dataadapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT DT_XML FROM EKG.MY_TABLE WHERE ID=:MY_ID";
        _dataadapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(":MY_ID", id);
            data = new DataTable("MY DOWNLOAD");
            message = "Get data success.";
            return true;
        catch (OracleException e)
            data = null;
            message = "Get data Error.\n MSG :" + e.Message;
            return false;

private void CreateFile(object FileValue)
    string strpath = @"D:\MyData\Example.xml";
    FileStream fs;
    int longfile = ObjectToByteArray(FileValue).Length;
    if (!Directory.Exists(strpath))
        fs = new FileStream(@strpath, FileMode.Create);
        fs.Write(ObjectToByteArray(FileValue), 1000, longfile);
        fs = new FileStream(@strpath, FileMode.Create);
        fs.Write(ObjectToByteArray(FileValue), 1000, longfile);

private byte[] ObjectToByteArray(Object obj)
    if (obj == null)
        return null;
    BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
    bf.Serialize(ms, obj);
    return ms.ToArray();

private void download_data_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DataTable ds_dt;
    foreach (DataGridViewRow cell in datagridview1.SelectedRows)
        if (!DwndData(datagridview1.Rows[cell.Index].Cells["ID"].Value, out ds_dt, out msg))
        if (ds_dt.Rows.Count > 0)

ds_dt.Rows[0] returns a row. ds_dt.Rows[0]返回一行。 You need the item in the row using Item 您需要使用Item行中的Item


and pass that into CreateFile. 并将其传递给CreateFile。

See here for more doco on DataRow 在此处查看有关DataRow的更多资料

Also try replacing the CreateFile function with 也可以尝试将CreateFile函数替换为

private void CreateFile(string data)
    string strpath = @"D:\MyData\Example.xml";
    File.WriteAllText(strPath, data);

calling it like this: 这样称呼它:


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