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boost :: any_cast - 仅在隐式转换不可用时抛出?

[英]boost::any_cast - throw only when an implicit conversion isn't available?

I want boost::any_cast<T> to only throw an exception when the type of the any doesn't have an implicit conversion to T . 我希望boost::any_cast<T>只在any的类型没有隐式转换为T时抛出异常。 The normal behaviour seems to be to throw an exception if the type of the any is not T , regardless of implicit conversions. 如果any的类型不是T ,则正常行为似乎是抛出异常,而不管隐式转换。

Example: 例:

boost::any a = 1;
boost::any_cast<int>(a); // This succeeds, and rightfully so
boost::any_cast<long>(a); // I don't want this to throw
boost::any_cast<Widget>(a); // I want this to throw

Could anyone tell me if there's a simple way to get the functionality I want, or better yet give me a good reason for why the existing behaviour is the way it is? 任何人都可以告诉我是否有一种简单的方法来获得我想要的功能,或者更好地为我提供一个很好的理由来解释现有行为的原因是什么?

Well you can't do it. 那么你不能这样做。 The any mechanism works like this: any机制都是这样的:

struct base {
    virtual ~base() { }

template<typename T>
struct concrete_base : base {
    T t;
    concrete_base(T t):t(t) { }

struct my_any {
    base * b;

    template<typename T>
    my_any(T t):b(new concrete_base<T>(t)) { }

    template<typename T>
    T any_cast() { 
        concrete_base<T> * t = dynamic_cast< concrete_base<T>* >(b);
        if(!t) throw bad_any_cast();
        return t->t;

I hope it's clear what the above does. 我希望上面的内容清楚。 There is no way you could do what you are looking for i think. 我认为你无法做你正在寻找的事情。 The reason is that there is no information about the type kept that could prove useful here. 原因是没有关于保留的类型的信息在这里可能有用。 RTTI doesn't provide it. RTTI不提供它。


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