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AWS Identity Token自动售货机-Android代码错误

[英]AWS Identity Token Vending Machine - Android Code Error

I am using; 我在用;

  • Eclipse Juno Eclipse朱诺
  • ADT-22.3.0 ADT-22.3.0
  • aws-android-sdk-1.7.0 aws-android-sdk-1.7.0

For using AWS Token Vending machine code I used sample code for android from below link; 为了使用AWS Token自动售货机代码,我使用了以下链接中的android示例代码; http://aws.amazon.com/code/4598681430241367 http://aws.amazon.com/code/4598681430241367

As per instructions I added following libs to project classpath; 按照说明,我在项目类路径中添加了以下库;

  • aws-android-sdk-1.7.0-debug.jar aws-android-sdk-1.7.0-debug.jar
  • aws-android-sdk-1.7.0.jar aws-android-sdk-1.7.0.jar

and when I run in emulator and device; 当我在模拟器和设备中运行时; I receive following error at runtime (no error at compile time) 我在运行时收到以下错误(编译时无错误)

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
    at com.amazonaws.tvmclient.Utilities.getTimestamp(Utilities.java:28)
    at com.amazonaws.tvmclient.LoginRequest.buildRequestUrl(LoginRequest.java:50)

However, in code when I checked - the class is imported and there are no compile time errors 但是,在我检查的代码中-导入了类并且没有编译时错误

import com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils;

and here how it is used in code (Utilities class sample code); 以及如何在代码中使用它(实用程序类示例代码);

new DateUtils().formatIso8601Date( new Date() );

would appreciate any pointers 将不胜感激任何指针

You may need to update the Eclipse project settings to ensure all classes are exported for Dexing. 您可能需要更新Eclipse项目设置,以确保所有类都已导出以进行Dexing。 Please take a look at the instructions at the following blog post and see if this solves your issue: 请查看以下博客文章中的说明,看看是否可以解决您的问题:

Running AWS SDK for Android samples in Eclipse with ADT v22 使用ADT v22在Eclipse中运行适用于Android的AWS开发工具包示例

Dont add both 不要同时添加

  1. aws-android-sdk-1.7.0-debug.jar aws-android-sdk-1.7.0-debug.jar
  2. aws-android-sdk-1.7.0.jar aws-android-sdk-1.7.0.jar

into your classpath. 进入你的classpath。 During run time, it creates conflict regarding class files because both the jars have class files with common name. 在运行时,由于两个jar都具有通用名称的类文件,因此它会与类文件产生冲突。

Either use aws-android-sdk-1.7.0-debug.jar which creates the largest APK, but allows for full stack traces during development. 可以使用aws-android-sdk-1.7.0-debug.jar创建最大的APK,但可以在开发过程中进行完整的堆栈跟踪。 or 要么

Add aws-android-sdk-VERSION.jar which creates a smaller APK and a simple bundle when releasing your application. 添加aws-android-sdk-VERSION.jar,在发布应用程序时,它会创建一个较小的APK和一个简单的捆绑包。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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