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[英]Django: Returning models.CharField() value from getter method is empty

Here is my model class. 这是我的模特课。 In this I've added a new getter method url() to return a url string for an author profile. 在这里我添加了一个新的getter方法url()来返回作者配置文件的url字符串。 But when I'm calling this method in html template file this shows empty. 但是当我在html模板文件中调用此方法时,这显示为空。

See here is my usage example: 看这里是我的用法示例:

Author Model Class: 作者模型类:

from django.db import models
import re

class Author(models.Model):
    salutation = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
    email = models.EmailField()
    headshot = models.ImageField(upload_to='author_headshots')

    # On Python 3: def __str__(self):
    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

    def url(self):
        return re.sub(r"[\s|\.|\-|\_|\'|\+]+", "-", self.name)

Passed Author object context to template from view method: 从视图方法将Author对象上下文传递给模板:

from django.shortcuts import render

from author.models import Author

def index(request):
    authors = Author.objects.order_by('-name')
    return render(request, 'home.html', {
                                         'authors': authors

And in template(home.html) using as below: 并在模板(home.html)中使用如下:

{% if authors %}
    {% for author in authors %}
    <h2><a href="author/{{ author.url }}/">{{ author.name }}</a></h2>
    <p>About author {{ author.name }} here</p>
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
No Authors
{% endif %}

Getting output: 获得输出:

<h2><a href="author//">XXX</a></h2>
<p>About author XXX here</p>

Expecting: 期待:

<h2><a href="author/xxx/">XXX</a></h2>
<p>About author XXX here</p>

I think I have something. 我想我有事。 Instead of defining a property of a model define a global function like this one (in your views file): 而不是定义模型的属性定义像这样的全局函数(在您的视图文件中):

def url(Author):
        Author.url=re.sub(r"[\s|\.|\-|\_|\'|\+]+", "-", Author.name)

and then in your index view add this: 然后在索引视图中添加以下内容:

for author in authors:
    #print author.url

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