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[英]Using grunt-usemin with dynamically generated image paths

I'm using the Yeoman Webapp generator to build my static website. 我正在使用Yeoman Webapp生成器来构建我的静态网站。

For my preloader, I have the following snippet (I'm using requireJS for the JS, if that matters). 对于我的预加载器,我有以下片段(我正在使用requireJS作为JS,如果这很重要)。

for(var i = 1; i <= config.numSlides; i++) {
  images.push(config.imageBase + i + '.jpg');

As you can see, I just generate a path with a number and add .jpg to it. 如您所见,我只是生成一个带数字的路径并为其添加.jpg。 My images are simply called 1, 2, 3, ... .jpg. 我的图片简称为1,2,3,... .jpg。

However, since Yeoman uses grunt-usemin.. It renames my image files to something like: 7f181706.3.jpg . 但是,由于Yeoman使用grunt-usemin ..它将我的图像文件重命名为: 7f181706.3.jpg Because of this, my script cannot find the correct image anymore. 因此,我的脚本无法再找到正确的图像。 Is there a way to solve this? 有办法解决这个问题吗?

I was looking through the docs and found something like this: 我正在查看文档并找到类似这样的内容:

assetsDir: 'images',
patterns: {
    js: [[/(image\.png)/, 'Replacing reference to image.jpg']]

would that be an option? 那是一种选择吗? I tried it without luck. 我没有运气就试过了。 Not sure what the correct pattern would be. 不确定正确的模式是什么。

You can have a better code sample in the test files of this library, concretely: https://github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin/blob/master/test/test-usemin.js#L233 您可以在此库的测试文件中获得更好的代码示例,具体来说: https//github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin/blob/master/test/test-usemin.js#L233

Where you can find the following code: 在哪里可以找到以下代码:

it('should allow for additional replacement patterns', function () {
  grunt.file.write('images/image.2132.png', 'foo');
  grunt.log.muted = true;
  grunt.config('usemin', {
    js: 'misc.js',
    options: {
      assetsDirs: 'images',
      patterns: {
        js: [
          [/referenceToImage = '([^\']+)'/, 'Replacing image']
  grunt.file.copy(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/misc.js'), 'misc.js');

  var changed = grunt.file.read('misc.js');

  // Check replace has performed its duty
  assert.ok(changed.match(/referenceToImage = 'image\.2132\.png'/));

I hope that helps! 我希望有所帮助!

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