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[英]using Linq - get groups from db table where one record in each group matches a search

I am in search of assistance in working out how to perform the request that I need using Linq to Entities. 我正在寻求帮助,以制定出如何使用Linq to Entities执行所需的请求。

I have a table in an IBM DB2 database which, simplified, looks like this: PK {Integer} , GROUP {CHAR FOR BIT DATA [16]} , USERNAME {CHAR[15]} , ACTION {INTEGER} . 我在IBM DB2数据库中有一个简化的表,看起来像这样: PK {Integer}GROUP {CHAR FOR BIT DATA [16]}USERNAME {CHAR[15]}ACTION {INTEGER} (none of the values can be null) (任何值都不能为空)

There are more columns but these will do to get the point across. 有更多的专栏,但可以做得很清楚。 What I need to do is such: 我需要做的是这样的:

I get user input requesting all records with a specific ACTION or USERNAME or both. 我收到用户输入,要求使用特定的ACTIONUSERNAME或两者都记录所有记录。

What I need to return is all records grouped by GROUP which contain the requested ACTION and USERNAME (if one of them is empty, it is ignored and I match the other). 我需要返回的是按GROUP分组的所有记录,其中包含请求的ACTIONUSERNAME (如果其中一个为空,则将其忽略,而我匹配另一个)。

I've tried a number of things but I keep running into walls with Linq to Entities. 我已经尝试了很多方法,但是我一直使用Linq to Entities碰壁。 I get errors like "SQL0338N An ON clause associated with a JOIN [...]" and There is no stored type corresponding to the EDM Type 'Edm.Binary' of primitive 'Binary' . 我收到类似"SQL0338N An ON clause associated with a JOIN [...]"错误,并且There is no stored type corresponding to the EDM Type 'Edm.Binary' of primitive 'Binary'

I've tried to do a select where I 我试图做一个选择

  1. find the records which match the search, 找到符合搜索条件的记录,
  2. get only the group column, 仅获取组列,
  3. make sure I only have one of each (distinct) 确保我每个人只有一个(与众不同)
  4. try to use the new list in a search of the same table. 尝试在搜索同一张表时使用新列表。

The moment I try to run .ToArray() I get smacked with an Exception, either DB2 exception or Linq exception (depending on the changes I made to the code).' 当我尝试运行.ToArray()的那一刻,我被一个DB2异常或Linq异常(取决于我对代码所做的更改.ToArray()

I would very much appreciate any assistance in figuring out a viable way to do this. 我非常感谢您提供协助,以找出可行的方法。

** Edit ** **编辑**

@Alex Well... the thing is that I tried several different ways of approaching the code and they each led to one of the same two errors (see above). @Alex好...问题是我尝试了几种不同的方法来处理代码,并且每种方法均导致相同的两个错误之一(请参见上文)。 The conclusion I came to was that the attempts I made were not just syntactically flawed but required a change to the direction with which I was approaching the problem. 我得出的结论是,我所做的尝试不仅在语法上存在缺陷,而且还需要改变解决问题的方向。

@ZacharyKniebel This is the solution! @ZacharyKniebel这是解决方案! Thank you! 谢谢! The only thing is - the example you gave would only return the groups that have a record where both fields are matched. 唯一的是-您给出的示例将仅返回具有两个字段都匹配的记录的组。 To make it so that it is one, the other, or both, I used this: 为了使它成为一个,另一个或两者,我使用了以下方法:

var records = db.Records
    .GroupBy(r => r.Group);
if(requestedAction != null)
     records = records.Where(g => g.Any(r => r.Action == requestedAction));
     records = records.Where(g => g.Any(r => r.Username.ToLower().Contains(requestedUsername.ToLower()));

Try this: 尝试这个:

var records = db.Records
        .GroupBy(r => r.Group)
        .Where(g => g.Any(r => r.Action == requestedAction && 
                               r.Username == requestedUsername)));

Here, is a breakdown of the above: 以下是上述内容的细分:

  1. Grab the rows FROM the 'Records' table in the database ('implicitly' serves as a select statement) 数据库的“记录”表中获取行(“隐式”用作选择语句)
  2. GROUP the Records by the value in the 'Group' column of the 'Records' table 集团在“记录”表中的“组”列中的记录由值
  3. Return only those groups WHERE the requested username and action match one or more records within the group 只返回该组中所请求用户名和行动匹配一个或多个组记录

Note that Linq will parse the Linq query into SQL before actually running the query. 请注意,Linq将在实际运行查询之前将Linq查询解析为SQL。 As such, the entirety of the above will be done in a single query. 这样,以上的全部将在单个查询中完成。

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