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[英]TypeScript variable that is a typed function

I want to have a variable in a TypeScript class that is of the type "boolean isVisible()". 我想在TypeScript类中有一个变量,类型为“boolean isVisible()”。

  1. How do I declare it? 我该如何申报?
  2. How do I assign this function for another instantiated object to this variable? 如何将此函数分配给此变量的另一个实例化对象?
  3. How do I call this function? 我该如何调用此功能?

ps - This seems so basic but 10 minutes of searching and I couldn't find it. ps - 这似乎是如此基本,但10分钟的搜索,我找不到它。

function boolfn() { return true; }
function strfn() { return 'hello world'; }

var x: () => boolean;
x = strfn; // Not OK
x = boolfn; // OK

var y = x(); // y: boolean

Here's one way of doing it, though I'll be happy to work with you to figure out exactly what you're trying to achieve. 这是实现目标的一种方式,但我很乐意与您合作,弄清楚您想要实现的目标。

export module Sayings {
    export class Greeter {      
        isVisible(): boolean {
            return true;

var greeter = new Sayings.Greeter();
var visible = greeter.isVisible();

You could also use a property instead of a function. 您还可以使用属性而不是函数。 Your original question talks about a "variable" and a "function" as if they're the same thing, but that's not necessarily the case. 你原来的问题谈论的是一个“变量”和一个“函数”,好像它们是同一个东西,但事实并非如此。

export module Sayings {
    export class Greeter {      
        isVisible: boolean = false;

var greeter = new Sayings.Greeter();
var visible = greeter.isVisible;
greeter.isVisible = true;

Or something like this maybe? 或者类似这样的事情呢?

export module Sayings {
    export class Greeter {      
        constructor(public isVisible: () => boolean) {


var someFunc = () => {
    return  false;


var greeter = new Sayings.Greeter(someFunc);
var visible = greeter.isVisible();

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