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云计算(特别是chrome os)的数据库管理有哪些选择?

[英]What are options for database management for cloud computing (chrome os specifically)?

I'm currently attempting to do my development on Chrome OS. 我目前正在尝试在Chrome操作系统上进行开发。 I've found some very useful services with Google Drive and also services such as Nitrous.io. 我发现Google云端硬盘提供了一些非常有用的服务,以及Nitrous.io等服务。 However, the part that is causing issues is finding a suitable replacement to database management. 但是,引起问题的部分是找到数据库管理的合适替代品。 Currently, I've been using SQL Server on Windows. 目前,我一直在Windows上使用SQL Server。 I don't mind transitioning to sqlite, mysql, etc. but I'm looking for a cloud solution to it. 我不介意过渡到sqlite,mysql等,但是我正在寻找针对它的云解决方案。 Free (perhaps sqlite stored on google drive?) would be nice, but I'm not opposed to paid hosting options. 免费(也许sqlite存储在Google驱动器上吗?)会很好,但是我不反对付费托管选项。 Has anyone transitioned to Chrome OS or something similar where they are doing their database management in the cloud? 是否有人过渡到Chrome操作系统或类似的在云中进行数据库管理的地方?

I would go with Google cloud SQL which gives you the power of MySQL as a service. 我将使用Google cloud SQL ,它可以为您提供MySQL即服务的功能。 It has some powerful options and you can use it both from google app engine and google compute engine. 它具有一些强大的选项,您可以从Google App Engine和Google Computing Engine中使用它。 Of course, that you can try amazon SQL options as well at: http://aws.amazon.com/rds/ which contain a nice sets of RDSs. 当然,您也可以在以下网址尝试使用Amazon SQL选项: http//aws.amazon.com/rds/ ,其中包含一组不错的RDS。 If you wish noSQL solutions there are many options out there: 如果您希望没有SQL解决方案,那么有很多选择:

  1. Google datastore - It's a powerful technology that bring you lots of power. Google数据存储区-这是一项强大的技术,可为您带来强大的功能。
  2. Amazon - http://aws.amazon.com/nosql/ 亚马逊-http: //aws.amazon.com/nosql/
  3. http://tour.mongohq.com/ http://tour.mongohq.com/

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