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[英]How can I roll back a Git repository and its remote?

I have a Git repo that I'd like to roll back by about a dozen commits using... 我有一个Git仓库,我想使用...回滚约12次提交。

git reset --hard d3289a7ab82fd76386d99bdd2c5e6496ecc62529

The problem is I've already pushed the commits to the remote. 问题是我已经将提交推送到远程了。

How can I return everything including the remote to the state it was in at the specified commit? 如何将包括远程在内的所有内容恢复为指定提交时的状态?

Reset locally, then force the push to Github – your remote and local will be in identical states: 在本地重置,然后强制推送到Github –您的远程和本地将处于相同状态:

git reset --hard d3289a7ab82fd76386d99bdd2c5e6496ecc62529
git push -f

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