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[英]Python - passing a function as an argument to another function

I have two files; 我有两个文件;

  1. The first file, myProgram.py , is a python file with a number of functions 第一个文件myProgram.py是具有许多功能的python文件
    one of the functions contained inside is myFunction this function would be called with 其中包含的函数之一是myFunction该函数将与

     import myProgram myProgram.thisFunction() myProgram.thatFunction() 
  2. The second file contains a menu system, with calls to the functions in myProgram.py 第二个文件包含一个菜单系统,其中包含对myProgram.py的函数的myProgram.py

I'd like to call a particular function based on an argument passed to a function in file2 我想根据传递给file2中函数的参数来调用特定函数

def file2_function(function):


which would essentially create myProgram.thisfunction(x,y,z) and execute it. 这实际上将创建myProgram.thisfunction(x,y,z)并执行它。

I guess I could do this using a bunch of if/elif statements, say: 我想我可以使用一堆if / elif语句来做到这一点,例如:

def file2_function(function):
    if function == 1:
    elif function == 2: 

Though that could get messy as I'm already using a lot of if/elif/else statements for the menu system. 虽然那样可能会很麻烦,因为我已经在菜单系统中使用了很多if / elif / else语句。

Is there a better way (or is the if/elif route the way to go?) 有没有更好的方法(或者if / elif路线是走的路?)

You can create a dictionary where key is the name of the function, and value is the function itself. 您可以创建一个字典,其中key是函数的名称,value是函数本身。 Short example: 简短示例:

functions = { 'add' : lambda x,y : x + y, 'mult': lambda x,y : x * y, 'div' : lambda x,y : x / y, 'sub' : lambda x,y : x - y  }
functions['add'](1,2) # returns 3

The *args in the function file2_function means the arguments to be passed to the function in which it calls: 函数file2_function*args表示要传递给调用它的函数的参数:

def func1(a):
    print a

def file2_function(function,*args):


@aga gave you a good hint. @aga给了您一个很好的提示。 When I'm writing cli applications I usually do smth like: 当我编写cli应用程序时,我通常会像这样:

def func1():

def func2():

def func3():

def func_caller(name):
    func_dict = {
        'func1': func1,
        'func2': func2,
        'func3': func3
    except KeyError:
        print "no such func"

Alternatively you have getattr . 或者,您有getattr See following snippet: 请参见以下代码段:

>>> import sys
>>> getattr(sys,'exc_info')
<built-in function exc_info>
>>> getattr(sys,'exc_info')()
(None, None, None)

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