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[英]To remap Ctrl-c to Ctrl-q is not working in input mode

When I try to call ReplaceIt(), I can type ctrl-c to quit input. 当我尝试调用ReplaceIt()时,我可以输入ctrl-c来退出输入。

function! ReplaceIt()
    call inputsave()
    let replacement = input('Enter replacement:')
    call inputrestore()
    execute '%s//'.replacement.'/g'

But I have already map Ctrl-c to <Esc><Esc>, I need to remap other key to Ctrl-c before that. 但我已经将Ctrl-c映射到<Esc> <Esc>,我需要在此之前将其他键重新映射到Ctrl-c。

I try to set map <Cq> <Cc> . 我尝试设置map <Cq> <Cc> This seting is no use while typing. 这种打字在打字时没用。

Is there any better way to remap key or to quit input? 有没有更好的方法来重新映射密钥或退出输入?

The mode while in input() is command-line mode (ie :cmap ). input()的模式命令行模式 (即:cmap )。 Even an unmapped <CC> will cause input() to return the empty string, so you should probably check for that ( if empty(replacement) ) and abort your function. 即使未映射的<CC>也会导致input()返回空字符串,因此您应该检查它( if empty(replacement) )并中止您的函数。

However, I would solve this without explicit input() (which is not efficient and has problems when recalled in a macro): 但是,我会在没有显式input()情况下解决这个问题(在宏中调用时效率不高并且有问题):

:nnoremap <Leader>r :%s///g<Left><Left>

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