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[英]Doctrine2 - How to query for referenced documents in MongoDB

I have two collections, categories and jobs , the jobs collection is referenced inside categories . 我有两个集合, categoriesjobscategories引用了jobs集合。

Now i have in CategoryRepository a method called getWithActiveJobs() , This method returns all categories with referenced jobs that only not expired and activated . 现在,我在CategoryRepository有一个名为getWithActiveJobs()方法,该方法返回所有带有未过期和未激活的引用作业的类别。

The problem is when i run this method nothing get returned. 问题是当我运行此方法时,什么也没有返回。 I'm new to MongoDB, So please tell me how to query for jobs inside CategoryRepository ? 我是MongoDB的新手,所以请告诉我如何在CategoryRepository内查询jobs

Here's my collections (setters and getters and other methods are excluded): 这是我的收藏集(不包括setter和getter以及其他方法):

Category.php : Category.php

namespace Ibw\JobeetBundle\Document;

use Ibw\JobeetBundle\Utils\Jobeet;

use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as MongoDB;

 * @MongoDB\Document(collection="categories", repositoryClass="Ibw\JobeetBundle\Repository\CategoryRepository")
class Category

     * @MongoDB\Id(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * @MongoDB\String
    protected $name;

     * @MongoDB\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="Job")
    protected $jobs = array();

     * @MongoDB\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="Affiliate")
    protected $affiliates = array();

     * @MongoDB\String
    protected $slug;

Job.php : Job.php

namespace Ibw\JobeetBundle\Document;

use Ibw\JobeetBundle\Utils\Jobeet;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as MongoDB;

 * @MongoDB\Document(collection="jobs", repositoryClass="Ibw\JobeetBundle\Repository\JobRepository")
 * @Assert\GroupSequence({"Form", "Job"})
class Job
     * @MongoDB\Id(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"Form"})
         * @Assert\Choice(callback="getTypeValues", groups={"Form"})
    protected $type;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"Form"})
    protected $company;

         * @MongoDB\String
    protected $logo;

         * @Assert\Image(groups={"Form"})
        protected $file;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\Url(groups={"Form"})
    protected $url;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"Form"})
    protected $position;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"Form"})
    protected $location;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"Form"})
    protected $description;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"Form"})
    protected $how_to_apply;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\NotBlank()
    protected $token;

         * @MongoDB\Boolean
    protected $is_public;

         * @MongoDB\Boolean
    protected $is_activated;

         * @MongoDB\String
         * @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"Form"})
         * @Assert\Email(groups={"Form"})
    protected $email;

         * @MongoDB\Date
    protected $expires_at;

         * @MongoDB\Date
    protected $created_at;

         * @MongoDB\Date
    protected $updated_at;

         * @MongoDB\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="Category", cascade={"persist"})
         * @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"Form"})
    protected $category;

And here's the CategoryRepository.php method: 这是CategoryRepository.php方法:

public function getWithActiveJobs($limit = null)
    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder()
                ->field('jobs.expires_at')->gt(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))
                ->sort('jobs.expires_at', 'DESC');


    return $qb->getQuery()->execute();

Here's MongoDB categories collection: 这是MongoDB categories集合:

> db.categories.find().pretty()
    "_id" : ObjectId("527b884610fedf400d8b4589"),
    "name" : "Design",
    "slug" : "design"
    "_id" : ObjectId("527b884610fedf400d8b458c"),
    "name" : "Administrator",
    "slug" : "administrator"
    "_id" : ObjectId("527b884610fedf400d8b458a"),
    "jobs" : [
        DBRef("jobs", ObjectId("527b884610fedf400d8b4587"))
    "name" : "Programming",
    "slug" : "programming"
    "_id" : ObjectId("527b884610fedf400d8b458b"),
    "jobs" : [
        DBRef("jobs", ObjectId("527b884610fedf400d8b4588"))
    "name" : "Manager",
    "slug" : "manager"

This is a common error when starting with mongodb: 从mongodb开始时,这是一个常见错误:

you can't do JOIN 你不能JOIN

The prime attribute will fetch the Jobs documents, but only after the query got executed, and won't help. prime属性将获取Jobs文档,但仅在查询执行后才会获取,将无济于事。

You can try a different approach: 您可以尝试其他方法:

Use a distinct query and fetch all the category IDS of the active jobs: 使用不同的查询并获取活动作业的所有类别IDS:

db.Job.distinct( 'category.$id', { is_activated: true } )

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