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Newtonsoft json序列化基本类型WebApi

[英]Newtonsoft json Serialize Primitive types WebApi

I have a Web API project with C# and I am trying to configure the Json Serializer (Newtonsoft JSON) to return always a wrapped response, because when my api controller just returns a Boolean or a integer (or other primitive types), I just get the object but I want something like: 我有一个使用C#的Web API项目,并且尝试将Json序列化器(Newtonsoft JSON)配置为始终返回包装响应,因为当我的api控制器仅返回布尔值或整数(或其他原始类型)时,我得到了该对象,但我想要类似的东西:

{ d : true } 

a wrapped result but without modifying the controller, i saw that there are a lot of configuration stuff on: 一个包装的结果,但是没有修改控制器,我看到关于以下内容有很多配置:


but i don´t found the one that provides this behavior. 但是我没有找到提供这种行为的工具。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Hi finally I solved creating my own Formatter inheriting from JsonMediaTypeFormatter, like this: 嗨,我终于解决了从JsonMediaTypeFormatter继承来创建自己的Formatter的问题,如下所示:

config.Formatters.Add(new WrappedJsonMediaTypeFormatter());

public class WrappedJsonMediaTypeFormatter : JsonMediaTypeFormatter

        public WrappedJsonMediaTypeFormatter() 
            base.SerializerSettings.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB");
            base.SerializerSettings.DateFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy";

        public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToStreamAsync(System.Type type, object value, System.IO.Stream writeStream, System.Net.Http.HttpContent content, System.Net.TransportContext transportContext)
            var obj = value;
            if (type.IsPrimitive || Object.ReferenceEquals(type, typeof(string)))
                obj = new { data = value };

            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(value, null))
                obj = new { };

            return base.WriteToStreamAsync(type, obj, writeStream, content, transportContext);

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