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[英]Why is a function name required here?

I've been testing this in the browser console of FireFox, not sure if other javascript environments have this: 我一直在FireFox的浏览器控制台中测试它,不确定其他javascript环境是否有这个:

◄ {x:function(){console.log("test");}}["x"]();
► SyntaxError: function statement requires a name

Why? 为什么? This works though: 这有效:

◄ ({x:function(){console.log("test");}})["x"]();
► undefined
► "test"

(In case anyone is wondering: I really hate the switch,case,break syntax. I'd rather use this construction.) (如果有人想知道:我真的很讨厌switch,case,break语法。我宁愿使用这种结构。)

The brackets in the first one is resulting in a block statement . 第一个中的括号产生一个块语句

The first one looks like this when the semicolons are injected 注入分号时,第一个看起来像这样

    x : function() { 

Syntax of JavaScript can be ambiguous. JavaScript的语法可能不明确。 First example is parsed as opening of block ( { ) followed by label ( x: , the one you would jump to by break or continue ), then function declaration . 第一个示例被解析为块( { )的开头,后跟标签( x: :,您将通过breakcontinue跳转到的那个),然后是函数声明 When declaring functions, you have to provide name. 声明函数时,必须提供名称。

Second example is parsed as an expression, as it is enclosed in parentheses ( ( ), so { is interpreted as anonymous object with x property, which value is function expression . Function statements can be anonymous. 第二个示例被解析为表达式,因为它包含在括号( ( )中,因此{被解释为具有x属性的匿名对象,该值是函数表达式 。函数语句可以是匿名的。

This is because you are creating a block. 这是因为您正在创建一个块。 As MDN describes : 正如MDN所描述

A block statement is used to group zero or more statements. 块语句用于对零个或多个语句进行分组。 The block is delimited by a pair of curly brackets. 该块由一对花括号分隔。

This is a block: 这是一个块:


It is a statement. 这是一份声明。 It does not return anything. 它没有返回任何东西。 All it does is group zero or more other statements together. 它只是将零个或多个其他语句组合在一起。 When Javascript sees { at the beginning of a line, it thinks "aha, we have a block here". 当Javascript看到{在行的开头时,它认为“啊哈,我们在这里有一个块”。

This, however, is not a block: 但是,这不是一个块:


That is an expression. 这是一个表达。 It has a return value. 它有一个返回值。 Here, in an expression context, {} delimits an object literal, not a block. 这里,在表达式上下文中, {}分隔对象文字,而不是块。

So, with your code, let's break it up a bit: 所以,使用你的代码,让我们分解一下:

{ // start a block
    x: // create a label called x
    function(){console.log("test");} // create a function expression
} // end the block
["x"](); // create an array with one element and attempt to execute it as a function

Now, the last line would obviously fail, but we never get there. 现在,最后一行显然会失败,但我们永远不会到达那里。 When Javascript sees function at the beginning of a line, it expects a function statement. 当Javascript在行的开头看到function时,它需要一个函数语句。 You are giving it an anonymous function expression. 你给它一个匿名函数表达式。 This is invalid in this context and causes an error. 这在此上下文中无效并导致错误。

By contrast, your other statement: 相比之下,你的另一个声明:

( // start an expression
    { // create an object
        x: function(){console.log("test");} // create a property called x with an anonymous function as its value
    } // end the object
) // end the expression and return the object
["x"] // get the `x` property from the returned object
(); // execute it

In Opera 12.16, it does basically the same thing, except telling you 在Opera 12.16中,它除了告诉你之外基本上都是一样的

["x"] is not a function

Which it really isn't: In your first statement, you define 它实际上并非如此:在您的第一个声明中,您定义


If you enter this on your own, it will evaluate to 如果您自己输入,它将评估为


But if you put no parentheses around it, it will do just that, evaluate to an anonymous object and begone for the rest of your statement. 但是如果你没有括号,它会做到这一点,评估一个匿名对象并开始你的其余声明。 If you put a dot like this: 如果你点这样的点:


There will be a syntax error. 会出现语法错误。 if you do 如果你这样做


it will work. 它会工作。

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