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[英]Using same variable again in PDO queries

I'm using PDO prepared statement. 我正在使用PDO准备的语句。 Here in the code i use variable res for first prepare statement & operations. 在此代码中,我将变量res用于首先准备语句和操作。



Will it create problems if i use reuse the variable for another prepared statement? 如果我将变量用于另一个准备好的语句,是否会产生问题? Is it a wrong practice and should i use another variable for other statement? 这是错误的做法,我是否应该在其他语句中使用另一个变量?

If you're done with that variable, I think you can safely reuse it (I would do it), but some code conventions try to avoid this kind of behaviour. 如果使用完该变量,我认为您可以安全地重用它(我会这样做),但是某些代码约定试图避免这种行为。

See for example this other question: is it acceptable to recycle or reuse variables? 例如,参见另一个问题: 回收或重用变量是否可以接受?

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