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[英]Snap.svg animate

I'm brand-new to JS, but am trying to pick up snap.svg. 我是JS的新手,但我想拿起snap.svg。 I'm trying to animate a circle that was created with snap, but I can't seem to get more than one thing to happen at a time. 我试图用快照创建一个圆形动画,但我似乎无法一次发生多个事情。 Right now, the circle changes color when it's 'moused over,' but I'd like it to 'pulsate' [change back and forth colors while the user is on the page. 现在,圆圈在“被碾过”时会改变颜色,但我希望它能够“搏动”[当用户在页面上时来回改变颜色。 Any idea on how to do that? 有关如何做到这一点的任何想法?

you have to use the callback of the animate function to call the animation again, example: 你必须使用animate函数的回调再次调用动画,例如:

fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/LCxD7/11/ 小提琴: http //jsfiddle.net/LCxD7/11/

var paper = Snap('svg');
var circle = paper.circle(10,10,10);
var states = [{
    fill: '#bada55',
    cx: 10,
    cy: 10
}, {
    fill: '#55bada',
    cx: 100
}, {
    fill: '#ba55da',
    cy: 100
}, {
    fill: '#000000',
    cx: 10

(function animateCircle(el, i) {
    el.animate(states[i], 1000, function() {
        animateCircle(el, ++i in states ? i : 0);
})(circle, 0);

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